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Boots from battery, not from power cord

I rescued the machine in question from being tossed in a dumpster. It will power up if I charge its battery in my own 17" PowerBook first. But it will not start up without the battery when I plug the power cord in, nor will it charge the battery. The power adapter I tried is the original that came with my (identical model) 17" PowerBook. I'm thinking the DC-in board needs replacing.

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That is what I would recommend trying first.


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That's a very good guess. I'd do it.

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I concur with the others here, this is the part you need.

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The DC/In Board is a good place to start, but what power adapter do you have? is it a 65W or a 45W, if it's a 45W, the PowerBook can only charge off of it, and not actually run, the 65W can run, and charge at the same time.

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The adapter is 65W. It came with my 17" PowerBook G4 1.67 GHz low-res, which is the exact same as the one that I salvaged. The salvaged PowerBook neither powers up nor charges with the power adapter. Nothing happens at all. Only an externally-charged battery brings it to life. Which, frankly, surprised me.


You could check the connections to the DC-In board, and if that doesn't work, your best bet would be to replace it, if that doesn't do it, then the logic board, or battery might be defective.


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