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left click on omen 15 touch pad broken

the rubber piece for my pc broke off so i cant left click and i cant find anything to replace it does anyone know what i can do about it.

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Hi @kujyhgbfvd,

What is the model number of the laptop as shown on the info label on the bottom of the laptop?


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Hi @kujyhgbfvd

The only thing that I can suggest is that you either use a USB or BT mouse or replace the touchpad assembly.

Here's the maintenance and service guide taken from the support webpage for the laptop.

It's not very descriptive but on p.63 it mentions the keyboard /top cover removal in the steps between the display assembly removal and the display bezel removal.

Once you have access to the underside of the keyboard you can remove/replace the touchpad.

The HP part number for the touchpad is 929472-001. I assume that the left/right buttons are a part of the touchpad assembly because when searching online I can find the part but no images of it. There is another part associated with the touch pad buttons known as the touchpad button bracket (part # 929462-001) but images of that show that it is just a metal bracket and nothing else.

Search online using the HP touchpad part number only to find suppliers that suit you best.

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