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Red light blinking 5 times

I have a 55 inch, 56 series LED Panasonic.. Red light blinking 5 times..... I put in a new power board. Fired it up. The Smart TV logo came up, looked like it was going to work, then POP an electronic sound no-one wants to hear. Back to the 5 blinks. Any thoughts!

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A blown fuse in a power supply is almost always caused by a shorted diode, but may be caused by an overload on the PSU. Since you disconnected the PSU from the load, the main issue to fix is on the PSU. A shorted diode is usually just a defective diode but may be caused by the overload. So, start by checking all diodes on the PSU. Also verify there are no bad capacitors.

Verify the loads on the PSU are not too low a resistance, replace the diode(s), fuse, and/or capacitors and try again.

Note: the diodes include bridge rectifiers.

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@kfifer since this is (was) a new PSU, it stands to reason that the issue is not related to the PSU, but what happens around it. If you have a voltmeter, check the voltage going into your TV. Let us know what you find out. Next we need to know what exact model your TV is. After that post some good pictures of all of your boards with your QUESTION. That way we can see what you see. Adding images to an existing question

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