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Device repair and information for the Soundsticks II speaker, designed by Harman Kardon in 2004.

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Unable to power on

Nothing happens when i push the power button. Possible faulty switch, or does it have a fuse? Tried finding a repairer, no luck. Does anyone know how to open the unit? It appears sealed?

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No lightson during pressing main power/volume button. Any idea of what is could be before I start replacing things on the board? :)



If you have a DMM (digital multimeter) maybe you should test things before just replacing things e.g. is the switch working OK, is the power cord OK and is there power getting to the board etc.

You could check if there's a fuse or other protection device at the power input that may have blown or if there's other components that look heat stressed or damaged etc.

Just what I'd do if there's no service manual or schematics available.


I have almost the same problem - when I push the power/subwoofer volume button, the blue light comes on and I can adjust the sub volume.

But as soon as i stop pushing it pops out, the sound disappears and after a few seconds the blue led dims out.

My question is this: Does this point to a faulty powerswitch or to some sort of circuit failure beyond the switch?

I'm thinking the switch may be simple push-button action switch (not meant to keep the circuit closed once the button is released) and the problem is somewhere else


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Выбранное решение

Hi @rob47744

Here's a link that provides a lot of information regarding Harmon Kardon Soundsticks.

Scroll down the page to find the This Article Continues... section to find links that have a lot of information regarding various sections of the speaker system.

Regarding not turning on, have you checked that the adapter is supplying 16V DC on the output plug of the adapter? If it does then once you have opened the speaker then you may have to check the components around where the adapter plugs into to see if there is a fuse or perhaps some other protection component located there.

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Hi @jayeff,

Thanks for this link, and advise i will follow this up.



Hi have the same issue.

The 20k Ohm potentiometer and power switch unit had broken off the PCB board and now I am trying to find an exact replacement.

All it says i Soundwell B202.

@jayeff please could you assist sourcing the right specs for this potentiometer. Alibaba is getting frustrating!



I don't know but here's some info that may help you to find what you need.

I think that an equivalent "may" be either of the following:

PTM90-020K-203B2 or a PTM902-025K-203A2

Both are dual gang 20KOhm pots which have a on/off switch.

The difference is in the type and length of shaft they have and the resistance taper.

As to whether they are compatible to mount on the board idk i.e. pin spacing etc.

Here's the datasheet that gives all the dimensions, spacing and how to decipher the product code to know what it signifies.

Hope this helps you out a bit.


Hi, I have same issue

followed you guy's comment I see a Chinese vendor from Alibaba provides https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/2..., if this is something work it out I am thinking to approach them. 50 units in a bunch so it is enough for us to share :-)


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