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Ведущий представитель iPhone 2020 года от компании Apple был выпущен 23 октября и поставляется с 6.1-дюймовым OLED-дисплеем, 12-мегапиксельной двойной камерой и доступен в 5 цветах. Преемник iPhone 11.

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My iPhone 12 keeps on restarting randomly

iPhone 12 keeps on restarting randomly

{"bug_type":"210","timestamp":"2023-06-22 20:52:24.00 +0800","os_version":"iPhone OS 16.5.1 (20F75)","roots_installed":0,"incident_id":"AA25B9AB-A564-4C47-B45A-4A98567AE66F"}


"build" : "iPhone OS 16.5.1 (20F75)",

"product" : "iPhone13,2",

"socId" : "8101",

"socRevision" : "11",

"incident" : "AA25B9AB-A564-4C47-B45A-4A98567AE66F",

"crashReporterKey" : "68b74563ef8ba29e7901ecb26a3ebd66c1b84937",

"kernel" : "Darwin Kernel Version 22.5.0: Thu Jun 8 17:13:54 PDT 2023; root:xnu-8796.122.5~1\/RELEASE_ARM64_T8101",

"date" : "2023-06-22 20:52:24.92 +0800",

"panicString" : "panic(cpu 0 caller 0xfffffff0158f3c6c): ANS2 Recoverable Panic - assert failed: [11194]:MSP 0 asserted: assert 9967, args: -1412628476 4 0!!!! - Timer(13)\nassert failed: [11194]:MSP 0 asserted: assert 9967, args: -1412628476 4 0!!!!\nRTKit: RTKit-2062.122.2.release - Client: t8101.release-AppleStorageFirmware-874.120.10~167~874.120.10~167\n!UUID: e4d90796-20bc-3683-9e2a-7b93ce61a257\nTime: 0x000000002e232527\n\nFaulting task 13 Call Stack: 0x0000000000014be0 0x00000000000145bc 0x00000000000143b4 0x000000000001643c 0x000000000001ba8c 0x000000000001b7e4 0x00000000000ea160 0x00000000000ea29c 0x00000000000ea364 0x0000000000069f64 0x000000000004fd94 0x000000000000b094 000000000000000000\n\nChinook ASC Async error info: \nl2c_err_sts 0x5000fbfc00000000, l2c_err_adr 000000000000000000, l2c_err_inf 000000000000000000\nlsu_err_sts 000000000000000000, fed_err_sts 000000000000000000, mmu_err_sts 000000000000000000\ndpc_err_sts 000000000000000000\n\nMailbox (0): (0)\n Inbox AKF_KIC_INBOX_CTRL = 0x00026601, AKF_KIC_MAILBOX_SET = 0x11111101\n Outbox AKF_AP_OUTBOX_CTRL = 0x00027701, AKF_AP_MAILBOX_SET = 0x00000000\n\n dir endpoint timestamp msg

I hope this can provide some insight on what I’m experiencing and how to fix it, thanks

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Hi Iris,

I'm going to tag our resident kernel panic expert, Alisha ( @flannelist ), the author of iFixit's authoritative Wiki article on kernel panics.

iPhone Kernel Panics - iFixit

According to the article, what you're seeing is referred to as an ANS2 Recoverable Panic. Now, in the programming world the use of the word recoverable implies that it isn't a fatal error, but the fact that iPhones and MacBooks reboot when they get this error argues otherwise. Here's the relevant section of the article.

=== ANS2 Recoverable Panic ===

ANS2 (Apple NAND Storage version 2) is Apple’s controller for, you guessed it, storage. NAND is a type of flash memory commonly used in modern smartphones and computers with soldered on storage.

  • If you get this panic, chances are the chip which houses all the data on your phone is malfunctioning or communication lines to the NAND are not functioning properly.
  • Replacing the NAND requires microsoldering skills and the use of a programmer to write unique data from the old NAND chip to the new one.

I'm personally unsure what you could do to fix this. From the sounds of it, board level repairs could be required and the level of expertise needed to do those sort of repairs is extremely high; most repair shops aren't even capable of it.

It might be worth your while to try a software fix first; I'd suggest backing up your phone then put it in DFU (Device Firmware Update) mode (Google it) in order to do the most complete wipe and update of your phone's firmware possible. That's probably your best chance of a software solution for this issue; if that doesn't do it come back and let us know and we'll see if we can get some of our board repair specialists to chime in and see what they have to suggest.

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Here's how to read the panic log of an iPhone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QaJLYbtu...

hope this helps!

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Jesse Cruz is fabulous. A scholar and a gentleman. Recommend pretty much any video on his channel.


@flannelist I send him data recovery jobs since I'm not equipped to handle them.


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