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Исчерпывающий набор инструкций по ремонту планшетов(букридеров) произведенных компанией Amazon, под маркой Kindle. Их ремонт довольно прост и обычно требует наличия только отвёрток и инструментов для открытия.

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crack on screen not working

Amazon kindle paperwhite 7th generation

Repair required please,crack on screen not working

7th generation

My name is David Stockley

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@davidstock18484 if you want to repair it, we can help you. If you want to sell it, you are spamming ;-)



Please provide the tablet's model number as shown at the bottom of the rear cover of the tablet?

Finding the correct parts is difficult with Kindles due to possible confusion regarding names and generations. The parts are not all the same even between the same model series but a different generation. It is easier using the model number


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Just follow this guide to replace the screen. The parts can be a little bit harder to find though, so you may have to transplant a screen from a broken one to your device.

Good luck!

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davidstockley170752 будет вечно благодарен.
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