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iPhone XS был выпущен 21 сентября 2018 года в нескольких моделях: A1920, A2097, A2098, A2100. Они включают такие модификации: GSM или CDMA/eSIM/nano-SIM. Цветовое разнообразие ограничилось серебристым, золотым и Space Gray оттенками.

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Unplug speakers and leave them off

Is there any way of unplugging the speakers from inside the phone? I want to stop all sounds from coming in, such as video sounds, ringers and call audio. Don’t want to silence or turn on vibrate only. Must make the system think the volume sounds are on. Anyway to do this and have the phone function as normal?

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Hello, i dont understand the reason why you need this, i hope is for some legal reason. Iphone XS have 2 speakers, one down near of charging port, one is ear speaker what can also working as loundspeaker. You can easily remove the big speaker, its need remove few screws, and the small ear speaker is soldered on sensor flex, when you dont need the sensor (light, proximity, iluminat, mic, and speaker 😄) you can disconect complete the flex. Ist the long one what going from lcd. Or you can desolder only the speaker. After will be the phone 🤐

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Yes it’s for personal and legal reasons. It’s for a game I play, and I need it to think it has sounds coming through the speakers when in reality I don’t want it to have sounds. Connecting the phone to headphones or a broken Bluetooth speaker is not a possibility.


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