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The Samsung Galaxy A10s is an Android smartphone developed by Samsung Electronics, and was released in March of 2019.

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Why is my phone loud speaker does not work on loud speaker

why is my phone loud speaker does not work on loud speaker

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Hi @shumetenes53020

Can you hear the phone's ringtone when someone calls the number?

If there is a ringtone sound the loud speaker is OK. Try using the phone in safe mode and check if the loudspeaker works OK. If it does it may be a downloaded app that is the cause of the problem.

If there is no ringtone sound then perhaps the speaker is faulty and needs to be replaced.

Here's a video that may help. The loudspeaker module can be seen being removed from 7:10 minutes into the video. It is completely removed by 7:28 minutes.

Search online for Galaxy A10s loudspeaker module to find suppliers that suit you best.

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