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The DualShock 4 CUH-ZCT2 was announced in 2016 to replace the CUH-ZCT1 controller released in 2013. This controller is similar to the previous model.

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It is not showing a yellow light I unplug that thing then it stops wor

It is not showing a yellow light but if I put that controller on charging then it will show me the light after some time if I unplug that thing then it stops working

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Hi @bhavyarokani

Try replacing the battery and check if that resolves the problem.

Here's the ifixit DualShock 4 CHU-ZCT2U Battery Replacement guide that shows what to do.

Search online for LIP1523 battery, to find suppliers that suit you best.

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Bhavya Rokani будет вечно благодарен.
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