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Основная модель линейки смартфонов 2019 года от Apple, выпущенная 20 сентября и получившая название iPhone 11. Устройство получило 6,1-дюймовый дисплей с двойной камерой и в шести цветах. Достойный преемник iPhone XR.

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Why is my iPhone switching itself on and off after 3 minutes

I replaced the housing of my iPhone 11 and it keeps switching itself on and off after 3 minutes but only happens after entering the passcode

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Restarting every few minutes can indicate a few issues and this video will help you read the device's panic log. When the device restarts like that, it typically records the panic log and with the help of this software, it'll pinpoint the cause. Usually, a reboot every 3 minutes indicates an issue with either the charge port or the volume flex assembly. Where did you source the frame from?


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