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Repair guides and documentation for the Google Pixel 6a with 5G smartphone. Released in July 2022.

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New screen is really dark

Just put a new screen on my phone, now the display is weirdly dark,the coloring is off, and the fingerprint sensor won't work. Please help

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Hi Mary,

Having a Pixel 6 Pro myself, I've been keeping an eye on Pixel issues since I started hanging out here on iFixit and it really seems to me that Google has quality control problems with their replacement screens. I've seen way too many reports of people who have problems with genuine Google replacement screens. I don't know if that's what you have, but my suggestion would be to get in touch with the seller and discuss the issue with them. If you bought it from iFixit, you can talk to the iFixit Store people by emailing them at support@ifixit.com. iFixit screens have a lifetime warranty so if it's them, definitely get in touch.

You're by far not the first person with fingerprint issues either; I replaced the screen on my niece's 6 Pro and the phone no longer recognized the fingerprint reader no matter what I did. I have since bought a replacement sensor but haven't had the phone back in my possession to replace it as of yet so I don't have a final resolution on this. There are a lot of people who've been running into this exact issue, so we're far from alone in this. If I were you I wouldn't do anything else with the fingerprint sensor until you get the screen issue straightened out, but here are some questions that are directly related. The first one seems to have the closest thing to a solution, while the second one is specific to your phone rather than the 6 Pro and the third one is just for completeness.

SOLVED: Fingerprint scanner not working after replacing screen. Pixel 6 Pro - Google Pixel 6 Pro - iFixit

SOLVED: fingerprint reader not working after screen replacement - Google Pixel 6a - iFixit

SOLVED: Fingerprint sensor not working after screen replacement. - Google Pixel 7 Pro - iFixit

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Thank you so much for responding! I will reach out to the company and see what they say.


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mary burton будет вечно благодарен.
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