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Fingerprint scanner not working after replacing screen. Pixel 6 Pro

Fingerprint scanner not working after replacing. Android in-app tells me to go to g.co/pixel/fingerprintunlock which doesn't exist.

Google has a a fingerpint repair tool at https://pixelrepair.withgoogle.com/udfps but it says my firmware is too new for the tool.

Now I have no fingerprint scanner and I used it on all secure apps.

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yes this worked thank you!!!!


Please tell me whether you used the url you attached to update, reinstall or something else?

-It seems to me that I've updated my phone for the latest version yet without recovering any fingerprint sensitivity. As for returning the device to factory settings, I'd really want to know first if that's the fix that did restored the fingerprint access or not.


Here in August of 2024, I had my 6 Pro screen replaced, and the original post with https://pixelrepair.withgoogle.com/udfps worked on the 1st try. No effort or grief at all...


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Ответов (15)

Выбранное решение

I'm having this exact same issue, using the genuine screen replacement from ifixit. I doubt both of us made the exact same mistake, so I think this indicates a problem that Google and ifixit should be investigating more deeply.

Update (09/06/2022)

I've solved this for my Pixel 6 Pro, so here's a quick guide... or links to other people's solutions, really.

First, you need to go here, and download the Google USB driver: https://developer.android.com /studio /run /win-usb (remove spaces, they truncated the URL if I post it normally); just get the Zip file and extract it. The Google USB Driver is located in \usb_driver\, I found the file named android_winusb.inf.

CRITICAL: do not use Device Manager to install the file. Locate the .inf file within the extracted folder (mine was titled android_winusb.inf), then right click and select Install. If the Install option is not listed (Win11 doesn't show it at first), click More Options at the bottom of the menu.

Then, go here (MUST use Chrome browser) and follow instructions: https://pixelrepair.withgoogle.com/udfps

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As Dean said above it's a problem with Google and not ifixit. Google are seriously lacking in the software department to fix the issue. I went online as Dean suggested to search the problem and everyone who has had a screen replaced is in the same situation. I repair phones for a living and as a google pixel 6 hasn't came in for repair I was unaware of the issue. I now know to warn the customer if and when one comes in.


OK, I've solved this for my Pixel 6 Pro, so here's a quick guide... or links to other people's solutions, really.

First, you need to go here, and download the Google USB driver: https://developer.android.com/studio/run...; just get the Zip file and extract it.

CRITICAL: do not use Device Manager to install the file. Locate the .inf file within the extracted folder (mine was titled android_winusb.inf), then right click and select Install. If the Install option is not listed (Win11 doesn't show it at first), click More Options at the bottom of the menu.

Then, go here (MUST use Chrome browser) and follow instructions: https://pixelrepair.withgoogle.com/udfps


Matt, I tried to follow your steps but the website cant connect to my phone when I put it in fastboot mode. And the first link you posted isn't a link to the driver.


@Cyril+Chen : the link got cut, try adding /win-usb after /run/. Let's see if I can add it again: https://developer.android.com/studio/run...

That should be https://developer.android.com /studio /run /win-usb (remove spaces)


Thank you so much Matt, it worked for me with only one install and a phone restart. I first had the problem where chrome couldn't see my phone when it was in fastboot mode, but after the driver download it worked flawlessly.


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I just had my screen replaced on my Google Pixel 6 Pro this morning and encountered the issue where my fingerprint sensor needs to be enrolled and calibrated.

I followed the instructions to use the Google Tool and on the first time after completing Google's installation and restart of my device while plugged in on fast boot mode, it didn't work.

I tried again, placed my phone on fast boot mode, plugged my phone to connect to my laptop to access the tool via browser and it installed it again and restarted my phone.

What I did differently this time was read what was on the webpage, it says to restart my phone again to finish calibration (after Google restarted my phone, I restarted it again)—now it works.

I am not sure if this is a stroke of luck or a step people missed because Google already restarted for you. Perhaps a UX/copywriting issue on the processes detailed on the screens.

In any case, maybe others may verify.


PS another thing to note when doing screen replacements is that do not forget to remove the protective film on the replacement screen that mates with your camera, I experienced this and thought my front camera was broken as it was just showing a black screen.

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This is the one! I did the exact same thing, install the software, booted up the phone and then restarted it again, and worked!


I just had to delete the old finger print and reboot my phone. It then allowed me to redo my finger print.


Thanks Carrie it worked for me


When i replaced my pixel 6 pro display. The fingerprint scanner is not working and the audio ic is also not working? What's the problem and how to fix? The main problem is there is no audio input or output right now😬


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Update (10/06/2022)


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I guess both of those situations are possible. But considering that there's a bar that gets screwed in over the connector with a pressure pad under the bar that puts pressure on the connector, I'll think I didn't put the connector in all the way

Also don't think I tore the cable as I was very careful, and I've been doing small electronic repairs for 20 years and don't make a ton of mistakes. But it is possible.

But the main reason I don't think I made a mistake is because Google has a support thread on this that's been open for over a year that says it's a firmware issue. When you log into the tool to recalibrate the fingerprint sensor, it says that the firmware on your phone is too new.



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Hi everyone,

It seems like quite a few of you are running into this! I've sounded the alarm internally and we're doing our best to see if there's anything we can do! Please click "I have this problem too" at the top of this thread to subscribe to updates.

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I've been trying to resolve this for some time since replacement screen.

I can get my P6Pro connected in chrome no probs. But when I try to install software it errors saying "Software for this device cannot be found" Retry or Cancel.

Do I need to unlock bootloader before trying to install?

Any help appreciated or its back to Google :(




Just to correct myself. The error message reads :-

"Couldn't find the unique calibration software for this device"

Has anyone else experienced this problem?

Be very grateful for help...



I do have the same issue, I installed the .inf file and still getting the same error.


Still the same here. "Couldn't find the unique calibration software for this device"


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Pixel 6. I installed the software successfully per instructions above, but was still getting the "g.co/pixel/fingerprintunlock" notice.

Before that "g.co/pixel/fingerprintunlock" screen I let the circle finish it's thing, then moved onto the figure print scan screen successfully ; it worked. Bit strange.

Pretty hopeless description, hopefully it helps.

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I've tried this multiple times and still haven't been able to get it to work 😞. I'm almost at the point of factory resetting but I really don't want to go through all of that if it's not even going to fix it.

I've done what the answer above suggested: going to the website on chrome and putting into fastboot and then restarting it manually. It still didn't fix it.

If anyone has an other suggestions I would appreciate the help!

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I had my screen replaced and fingerprint won't work. Repair shop put the original fingerprint scanner from the broken display back and it solved the issue


Hey, unfortunately I had to replace the whole display and the fingerprint sensor, is there a way to get the finger print working again ? I am stuck since two months now.


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Hola he comprado la pantalla de ifixit, la he cambiado, pero no funcionaba la huella hice los pasos que han puesto en este blog, primero instalar el archivo USB y luego a la página para el software de calibrar pero no ha funcionado y sigo con el mensaje que dice: TIEMPO DE CONFIG.HUELLA DIGITAL AGOTADO, el registro de huellas dactilares no funcionó, alguna sugerencia

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OJO en la página https://pixelrepair.withgoogle.com/udfps, explican que primero apaga el celular, después, sosteniendo el botón de encendido con el de bajar el volumen por 3 segundos entra en Fastboot mode, y ahí conecta el USB.


Hi @estalinquezada, if you're still having issues with your fingerprint sensor, email support@ifixit.com.

Google Translate:

Hola @estalinquezada, si todavía tienes problemas con tu sensor de huellas dactilares, envía un correo electrónico a support@ifixit.com.


He logrado solucionado el problema, después de instalar el software el mi móvil se reseteo solo, y seguía sin funcionar, lo apague espere 5 minutos y fui volví a hacer el proceso de configuración de la huella y funcionó gracias, las reseñas anteriores se resolver el problema del sensor si funcionó


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Has anyone been successful in replicating what @mattmonter76269 suggested but on a Macbook? I am not a geek like most of you by any means so please pardon my ignorance. A step by will be highly appreciated.

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not working foe me help pls

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Remove the old fingerprints and add again after replacing the display then fingerprint sensor should work properly

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nope I already try that, and the link does not detect the device


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I had my screen replaced on a Pixel 6 Pro. Fingerprint setup would always give me a timeout error.

I tried a USB A to USB C cable to connect to PC and PC wouldn't recognize it. I tried the google USB A to USB A cable with Google's USB A to USB C adapter with no success. I bought Google'S USB A to USB C cable and that did the trick. Phone connected to the PC. Must use a USB 2.0 Port. I was able to boot the phone in fastboot mode and calibrate the screen. After a reboot of phone, I was able to add my fingerprints.

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Dears, I have another problem:
can connect to computer but there is a notice "Select your carrier".
I'm from Poland, there is no polish carriers :D
What can I do? Any other country and any other carrrier is not an option because of notice "another device".
But my device is Pixel 6 Pro )))
Please, help

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@billmarcotte where did you bought that cable?

Because I have Google's USB A to c but not sure it it's the same. I can just buy it and return it haha

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Google USB-C to USB-A 1M... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08964WHH5?ref...

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Dear all, i use pixel 7 pro and my fingerprint sensor not work after replace screen. I try this way and my fingerprint work done. You can try:

1: enable "usb debugging" and "oem unlocking" in developer options

2: shutdown fone. Then use power and down volume button to go fastboot mode

3: go https://pixelrepair.withgoogle.com/udfps, click connect device and do follow instructions to install fingerprint calibration software.

4: Done

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