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Repair documentation for the Sony PlayStation 5 DualSense controller. Model number: CFI-ZCT1W FCC ID: AK8CFIZCT1

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Why is my anolog replacement never central

Hi all

First time asking a question on here so here it goes.

I've recently come across a broken controller that I'm repairing. The issue is stick drift and I've decided to change the anolog and re solder a new one on. Everything has gone great and the repair was a success. However, whenever I tested it on Gamepad Tester and the anolog is not central. It's always rather 0.4 to the left or right.

Is there a way to get the anolog closes to the centre as possible or is this impossible?

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Выбранное решение

Usually you cannot get the analog completely centered. It will always drift a bit to some direction. Even the "professional" controllers have it same. If the 0.4 drift doesn't affect gameplay in any way or register as movement, it's completely normal.

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Most of them have potentiometers on them, so that you can adjust the thumbstick itself. If you can't center it that way, you can try adding a resister to the board.

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