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Need a replacement power button with circuit board and cable

Does anyone know an online site where I can safely source the power button with circuit board and cable for the Dell Latitude 12 7275. The part number listed is LS-C321P. Alternative part numbers I have seen associated with it are C321P, AAE00, and 0C321P.

Alternatively, I am open to using a generic part that you know works.

The problem is that the power button housing appears to have dry rot and it is no longer firmly against the inner housing and thus allowing the button to protrude outside of the frame. I have been able to open the unit and gently ease it closer to inner frame so that sometimes I am able to push it (from the outside part) in far enough to start the machine. However, each time I do this it erodes a bit more. It's only a matter of time until it will not start.

Thanks for taking the time to consider my ask.

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Hi @jason34921

It might depend on your location and the shipping costs but here are some suppliers.

supplier 1 supplier 2.

Not advocating for either (especially Ebay but the seller has presumably got a good rep- 99.8%) but sometimes you may have to take a chance

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Thanks @jayeff. I did see these options before and have the same reservations. I was hoping for a US based store in case I have issues with the part and need to easily return it.


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