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Основная модель линейки смартфонов 2019 года от Apple, выпущенная 20 сентября и получившая название iPhone 11. Устройство получило 6,1-дюймовый дисплей с двойной камерой и в шести цветах. Достойный преемник iPhone XR.

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Backlight Refused To Turn Off, Phone Never Turned On Again on Shutdown

Hello, one night a few months ago I noticed that my backlight wasn't turning off on my iPhone 11. We had just finished a 4 hour road trip, using my phone as a GPS and plugged into power the whole time. After putting it to sleep multiple times and seeing the backlight refuse to turn off, I decided to just reboot the device to see if that would fix the problem. Unfortunately, the phone never turned on again after shutting it down that night.

The device does not appear on my computer, even with "lsusb" on my linux machines. The phone doesn't not power on at all. No screen, no talk over USB to host devices. I really want to fix this phone, but I am not sure where to start. My search engine results have not helped me, and I know if I take this to any typical repair shop that is Apple Authorized "Repair", they are just going to tell me to get a new phone, and I am not in a position to do that. I have an old iPhone 6 that someone let me have, and even though it works, it is so stupidly slow and can't run a lot of applications that I kind of need due to the older version of iOS.

Any help would be appreciated. I'm not afraid of opening this thing up, or even replacing a capacitor or two if I have to.

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Try opening the phone up and reseating the battery and display cables.

Guide for reference:

iPhone 11 Screen Replacement

This guide also shows how to disconnect the battery and also shows how to remove the screen connections

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