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Портативная игровая консоль производства Valve, выпущенная 25 февраля 2022 года.

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Screen fixed but no controls

I had a broken screen on my steam deck and ordered a new one from Ifixit. Got the screen changed with no issue but when I have turned the steamdeck back on I have no controls. The only button working is the power button. Any ideas what this could be?

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Выбранное решение

Check your work. The power button is the only one that's mounted directly to the board, that's probably why it's working. . Everything else runs through cables to get to the motherboard.

Generally, I would be sure that all these cables are connected properly. Those ZIF connectors can be fussy if you're not familiar. But if no buttons are working aside from power, I would wager your issue will be with the button board cable. Even though there a variety of buttons on different boards, ultimately they all run through the same cable to the motherboard.

It's the one that connects to the back of the board in this picture. Be sure there wasn't any damage to the cable and that it's secured properly on both ends.

Block Image

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Got it sorted. Ribbon cable has come out when I put the main board back in. The small fiddly one on back of main board

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Beat me to it. Glad you got it sorted!


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