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Repair guides for displays (or monitors) for computers or other devices with video output.

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Cracked panel, repair? Parts? Acer curved monitor.

I have the Acer XR382CQK

My movers damaged the panel, and it is cracking internally, not sure what parts I would need or if it is even repairable. I have contacted a few local repair companies and got nothing. I'm in the Atlanta area if anyone knows a good repair shop.

I don't mind repairing it myself, but I cant find parts online.

Help please

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Hi @tk0rahl

Check with the movers as they should be insured against any damage, so maybe it can be replaced that way.

Best option to find a replacement panel is to remove the back cover from the monitor and then further disassemble the monitor so that you can see the back of the LCD panel itself to find the panel's make and model number. Usually it is stamped on the panel or found on a sticker etc.

LCD panels are made to order by specialist panel manufacturers and not by the manufacturer of the product that they are used in.

Once you have found it, search online for (insert make and model number) LCD panel to hopefully find suppliers.

Unfortunately I couldn't find a teardown video of the monitor online that would help with the disassembly. You may have better luck. Also being curved it will be more difficult so take your time with the disassembly as you don't want to break anything else.

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