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Repair guides for the Kenmore 80 Series of washing machines, manufactured by Kenmore.

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Dripping water into the machine

Hi there, love this machine - it's over 20 years old and strong! It just started dripping water into the machine tub. It's coming from the center where water fills the tub. Is this an easy repair or is it time to replace? I can do very minor repairs, but would most likely have to call in for service. Thanks!

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Hi @tnodzak,

Sounds like a faulty water inlet solenoid valve.

Is it cold water or hot water that is dripping into the tub? Turn off the faucets that the washer hoses are connected to, one at a time to find out.

Repairs are relatively easy as long as you get the correct part.

What is the full model number of the washer?

With some models the valves come as a complete module unit i.e. both hot and cold valves and with others they are individual valves.

If a valve is faulty, it cannot be repaired. It has to be replaced.

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Thank you, Jayeff!

It just says Kenmore 80 Series and I don't have the manual as it came with the house in 2003.

I shut off the faucets then turned each cold/hot on individually and it doesn't seem to be leaking now...I'll see how it goes after the next load I run.



Kenmore washers can have the model number in a variety of places depending on who manufactured the washer.

For a top-loading Kenmore washer, try these locations to find your model number:

the back of the control panel

the upper-left hand corner of the back

the lower left-hand corner of the front

any stickers on the lid or inside corners

on the rim inside the lid (where an 80 Series should likely have it)

along the lower side panels

Also check the water inlet hose screen filters to see if they're broken, holed etc.

Usually they're located in the hose(s) screw fitting where it connects to the washer .

If they are broken what can happen is that any debris in the water supply e.g. sediment etc, can get lodged in the inlet valve(s) and this prevents it from closing properly when the machine shuts off the valve allowing water to drip into the machine


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