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Repair documentation for the Sony PlayStation 5 DualSense controller. Model number: CFI-ZCT1W FCC ID: AK8CFIZCT1

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Can I replace the headphone jack?

One of my controllers is having issues with the headphone plug. as I play if I bump it the communications through the headphones cuts out. When I swivel it around again it starts back up. I've used different headphones and they all do it and they all work fine in my other controller. Can this be replaced or am I stuck shelling out $75 for a new controller?

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First, check that the jack is free of debris. I'd use a can of compressed air, and 90% isopropyl alcohol to clean out the inside. I'd also attempt to check that controller's firmware is updated, and if the issue persists, then attempt to re-sync or even reset the controller.

If all else fails, then the issue is definitely caused by physical damage. If this does end up being the case, then you do have options for a repair. The first is replacing the controllers motherboard since the jack is soldered directly to the main board. The second is using a soldering iron to replace the jack with a new one, which will rely on you having soldering skills, and requires a soldering iron.

Best of luck to you!

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