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How to change the RAM modules, SSD slots?

Hello I would like to have a guide on how to add an extra SSD (not sure what type of SSDs are supported) and how to upgrade the RAM on this device.

Thank you!

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Hi @georgesaade

Here's the hardware maintenance manual, taken from this support webpage for the laptop.

The laptop supports two SSDs, - see p.32 → p.33, however 1 M.2 slot is a PCIe 3 x 4 (Gen.3) and the other is a PCIe 4 x 4 (Gen.4), so if you get Gen.4 PCIe SSDs then it will work in both slots as it is backward compatible with Gen.3 but will work at Gen.3 speeds if it is inserted in the Gen.3 slot.

At the moment Gen.4 SSD are more expensive per GB as compared to Gen 3 SSD e.g. 1TB Gen 3 SSD = ~$US85, 512GB Gen 4 SSD = ~$US75. so this may decide which version to get

See p.34 to view the procedure to remove/replace the memory modules. The laptop supports up to 64GB of DDR4-3200 ram in 2 slots i.e. 2 x 32GB

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