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A Desktop PC built from off-the-shelf DIY parts, rather than a prebuilt from a major manufacturer. These can also be built by an SI using off-the-shelf parts.

Вопросов 20 Показать все

Why my PC not shut down completely?

when I done using my PC I will click shut down on the start menu,or press the power button on the PC,but when I shut down my PC,the PC just turn back on,or if I scheduled a time to turn the PC off,the PC still turn back on again,idk why

Is there any solution to turn this PC off completely? It's annoying me after turn this PC off at night

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Выбранное решение

This could be due to a few different reasons but this is probably due to configurations with the fast boot option in the bios, uncheck this option to ensure the pc can shutdown without restarting its previous state.

Double check your alert wake up timers and/or check the wake on LAN settings as well but check your bios settings for the option I mentioned previously that will solve the autorestart, also you could try holding the power button for a force shut-off but check the fast boot option first and then if you have issues I will assist.

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Thanks,the problem is fixed


Woot! Glad to help!


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