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Выпущенный 24 сентября флагманский смартфон Apple 2021 года оснащен 6,1-дюймовым OLED-дисплеем ProMotion, новой системой задней камеры с тремя объективами и 5G. Преемник iPhone 12 Pro.

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Where to buy replacement screens from

Hi! I would like to start a "side hustle". I want to buy broken phones, fix them and sell them. I've watched countless videos of replacing screens and batteries. I've found a site where i can buy replacement batteries and screens ( https://www.injuredgadgets.com/apple/iph... ), but i've read on forums that the true tone won't work anymore. I would like to buy oled screens around 100-ish dollars but i dont know what to do with the true tone problem, i've heard that sometimes there is a problem with the face id and would also like to know is there any way to disable the "unknown components screen" without transfering the screen IC?

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some models with ios 18 you can calibrate a new screen otherwise you have to replace the ic, same with the battery bms board needing swapped. plus for truetone you would need a programmer

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I saw phone repair guru programming the battery and the screen with a qianli programmer and it solved the unknown component text and the true tone. What do you mean abt calibrating the new screen?


@nemetharonb9599 with the latest models it used to be you had to replace screens etc through the apple self repair program but now on ios 18 you can do it yourself. check this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhaAG_OJ...


And if I buy aftermarket screens and batteries all of the unknown part text and true tone problems can be solved with a programmer?


@nemetharonb9599 after market screens for newer models will require the ic to be swapped over and batteries will need the bms swapped and programmed with tag on flex


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