How can I fix connection between the 2 boards
The connection between the 2 boards in my controller are acting up, when the top board is lightly placed in the connector everything is fine but when pushed in completely light goes out on front batteries don't work and connected with a cable there is a noise like a coil whine come from the controller buttons still work tho! Any ideas on the problem and possible fixes would be appreciated thanks.
Update (01/22/25)
Have checked and cleaned pins couple times and they look OK to me see what you think
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2 Комментариев
@karl56764 let's see if our console Guru @dan0 has an answer for you.
из oldturkey03
Hi Karl! In the 1st photo, the pins do look dirty! Can you try to clean them with isopropryl alcohol? And then share a photo with us again? In the worst case, that one need to be replaced..
из koppie007