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Speakers Flickering, Not Sounded Optimal

My speakers is not sounded well. It has some flicker sound that makes audio smaller even in max volume. I think its because of dust. But when i try to vacuum it with vacuum cleaner, it's still sound flick. i tried many, such as open the back laptop case to vacuum any dust, and play ytb video hz that said can to clear speakers. but still, how to solve this?

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Hi @gamingmedi64223

What does the audio sound like when listening using headphones connected to the laptop?

If it sounds OK, here's the maintenance and service guide for the laptop series that may help.

Go to p.48 (58 of 86 pdf) to view the procedure to remove the speakers.

If it is determined that the speakers are faulty and need to be replaced, search online for L72708-001 to find suppliers that suit you best. (supplier examples only)

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Yeah, the audio sound when using headphones is normal and no problem, but when in speakers it's flicker. Thanks for the tips though, but can you give another tips that easier? iam afraid if i discarding this hardware, there are gonna be a problem



There shouldn't be a problem if you follow the manual.

It could also simply be a loose connection where the speaker cable plugs into the motherboard. Both speakers are wired to the same plug. You won't know until you look ;-)

You could try using the Realtek Audio manager program in Control Panel and check if the distorted audio is caused by the left or right speaker (and not both), but since the speakers are connected together as a pair even if one is faulty there's not much you can do, as they're not available separately.

If only 1 is faulty you could adjust the balance (using the setting in the Room Connection tab) so that you only hear the sound from 1 speaker and not both. Back to mono sound instead of stereo so you may not like how it sounds.


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Try cleaning the speaker gently with compressed air, not a vacuum. Check for software issues by updating your audio drivers or resetting your device's sound settings. If it persists, consult a technician.

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