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Repair information for the iMac G4.

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Replacement optical drive for my vintage iMac?

My DVD player does not work on my iMac 1.25 GHz PowerPC G4. Can I replace it myself and for how much$$$. Or can you recommend and external optical drive.



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I really like the LaCie external DVD drives. They're tough, well built, and reliable. http://www.lacie.com/products/range.htm?...

I've used one with LightScibe for years. This will also move to your next computer.

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If you go that route (and I would) get the firewire model so you can load operating systems with it. Ralph


Agreed about the firewire. Also the LightScribe allows you to write/burn professional looking labels on your disks.


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You can use any IDE 5.25" Optical Drive, even a DVD Burning SuperDrive up to 24x, and get one for about $30-60

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But I have been told it must be firewire to use as a boot drive or to wipe the hard drive.

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