Вики, созданная, благодаря помощи студентов
Эта вики выполнена отличной студенческой командой из нашей образовательной программы.
Video Distortion
You have trouble seeing the video feed from the camera.
Smudges on the Lens
Take an eye glass cloth and clean the front camera lens to make the image clearer.
Bad Connection
Disconnect the drone from the FreeFlight Pro app, then close the FreeFlight Pro app and turn off the drone and turn it on again. Reconnect the Bluetooth.
Broken/Defective Camera
If your drone does not show a clear picture within the FreeFlight Pro app, the camera may be broken and needs to be replaced.
Drone will not connect to a smartphone or tablet
The drone will not connect to a smartphone or tablet via WiFi.
Reset needed or outdated firmware
To reset the drone press and hold the power button for 10 seconds. The LED will blink green and orange for a while, then green and the drone will shut down. If the drone's firmware has not been updated recently, an update can help solve your problem
Improper IP address
In your phone or tablet's WiFi setting of the device go into the details of the connection and ensure the IP address is 192.168.1.xxx The "xxx" can vary from either a single digit to three digit number.
Improper WiFi connection
If already connected go into the WiFi setting of your device and select "Forget this network." Restart your device and then go back and connect to the drone’s network. Then go into the FreeFlight Pro app and try connecting once again.
Battery does not charge
The battery does not charge or charge fully.
Faulty battery charger
Ensure the battery charger is functioning properly when a battery is connected and plugged into the wall. The light on the charger should illuminate red while charging and turn green when finished charging. If this is not the case, a new charger may be necessary.
Faulty Battery
The battery may have been damaged, so make sure to check that your battery is free of any damage before using it. If it is, then follow these steps to replace the battery: unplug the battery to the parrot bebop drone power cable; If necessary, pull the string to access the power cable; Then, slide a new battery into its compartment and finally attach the strap to secure the battery.
Unstable Flight
The drone is not stable during takeoff and flight.
Tilted During Takeoff
Be sure to hit Flat Trim before each flight, which is located on the top left corner to the right of the Settings icon in the FreeFlight Pro app. If that does not work, restart your drone by simply turning it off by pressing the power button, or by unplugging the battery, then powering it back on again.
Weak Signal
Since certain obstacles, such as buildings and powerlines, can interfere with the drone’s WiFi connection, simply try a new location which does not have as much obstacles.
Misaligned Gyroscope
Using the FreeFlight App, go into settings and the press “Calibrate”. Then follow the instructions by replicating the animations shown. Once all the axes are shown as valid, the calibration is complete.
Improper Propeller Placement
Make sure the propellers are in the correct position. Make sure the front-right and the rear-left motors have propellers with holes in the middle. The front-left and the rear-right motors should have propellers without holes in the middle.
Drone does not power on
The AR Drone does not power on when the battery is connected.
Faulty battery
Check to make sure the drone's battery is correctly seated and fully charged.
Reset needed or outdated firmware
To reset the drone press and hold the power button for 10 seconds. The LED will blink green and orange for a while, then green and the drone will shut down. If the drone's firmware has not been updated recently, an update can help solve your problem
Faulty main board
If the drone still does not turn on after following the previous steps, the main board on the drone may be faulty and need replacement.
68 Комментариев
Bebop 1 not connecting to freeflight pro but can see WiFi signal
Lem Wright - Ответить
I'm having the same problem please tell me you figured it out
John Langston -
Can someone help i'm having the same prob
saad belhadi -
Bebop1 will’nt stay connected after being connected …
Anthony Nance - Ответить
I keep on losing Wi-Fi connection. It Conects and turns off.
roadrunner57 - Ответить
Help me please
roadrunner57 - Ответить
I bought a balanced charger and refreshed my batteries by running them through a discharge and then a balanced charge then when I plug the battery in the drone it shows 99% when i take off the battery power rill run down to 20% then slowly after about 5 minuets it runs down to 3% one time I was hovering about 3 feet up and the drone shut down and fell out of the sky now I’m afraid to fly it
Daniel Miller - Ответить
It will damage lipo batterys to discharge them completely.. Never let the lipo go below 20%
namemyiseightone -
Hey what's up man I think the same thing is happening with my Bebop 2 did you ever find out what was going on I have battery charged up everything's good and then battery starts drastically declining right in front of my face on my cell phone screen to 3% let me know if you found anything out please
cameron bailey -
Hey what's up man I think I might be having the same problem with my Bebop 2 battery is charged at somewhere around 40% then it will decline rapidly I can watch it go down on my cell phone right up till 3% haven't flown it since please let me know if you found anything out about this problem thank you
cameron bailey -
yup, it happens to us all bro
Alan -
My drone won't power on at all, tried to charge the batteries it won't work I have 4 different batteries 2 different chargers…I highly doubt that they are all faulty…it worked 2 months ago haven't used my drone since now all of a sudden all my batteries wont work???? Both my chargers ??? Any ideas ?
costy alex - Ответить
If you left them not in storage mode they might be dead. If you do some googling about LiPo batteries you might be able to get them back to life.
Good luck
Tomas Veselis -
experienced this issue also board was burned
Sonny Bucarile -
and need a replacement. try to check the main board circuits. message me to my email after you check sonnybucarile@gmail.com
Sonny Bucarile -
Had the same problem with x2 batteries which hadn’t been used for some time and had no charge left. Not even registering on a Volt metre. Parrot charger LED light would NOT come on and commence charging, as the charger didn’t detect the batteries. Carefully removed the Lithium cells from their casing and carefully connected without shorting, +ve & -ve leads up to a car/motorcycle battery charger for a few minutes to get a little charge into the cells. Then when reconnected to the Parrot battery charger, it finally detected the batteries, Red LED Light came on and was able to continue charging the batteries.
Mark Bennet -
Hi bebop2 power botton flashing red.! Cant hard reset nor dose it connect to app wifi says connected but no app connection, anyone know ways wrong..I can use sum help tokkyoent@yahoo.com..plz
tokkyoent - Ответить
Hi tokkyoent, once you download the app on to your phone; put your phone in airplane mode and turn your wifi off on your phone. With your phone on and your controller and drone off, connect your phone to the controller. Then turn on the drone, then turn on your controller… when your drone and controller sync.. your app should start on your phone … you should be connected and can see the drone’s camera through your phone.
Don Jordan -
Hello friend! How did you ever resolve this problem. I am in the same boat…flashing red, and cannot factory reset
Greg -
Hi, I do not know how to install update to my bebop drone through PC. Any help here?
Jie Li - Ответить
Bebop 1 wifi is connected to my phone but freeflight 3 will not reconize the drone
Jeff - Ответить
drone will hook up to smart phone but as soon as I turn on controller it will not go green and when I hard wire controller I loose WIFI connection. how do I fix this problem
sunchasr2000 - Ответить
@ sunchasr2000
When u use skycontroller turn off Wi-Fi on your phone when you hard wire skycontroller.
When controller is hard wired to phone leave Wi-Fi turned off on phone always.
namemyiseightone - Ответить
The power button flashes red when you try to start it up
Lawrence Ashley - Ответить
My return home stop working on my bebop 2. And it crashed can any one tell me how to fix it
Delos - Ответить
One of my batteries shows the green led when plugged to charger, but drone wont turn on with it. With the other battery it turns on.
3duardo.goncalves - Ответить
Troubleshoiting using a laptop
harristodd - Ответить
Can someone call
harristodd - Ответить
My Parrot Bebop 2 does not return to ‘Home’ location when the home button is pushed.
Mike Curry - Ответить
I can't see my drone through it's Camera on my phone I've tried with 4 different bebops and 2 tablets and not to mention a heap of phones young and older phone's drone connects fine and controllers connect but only get black screen on camera I know my phone's not the issue SS I've tested camera and GPS
Joe Gammon - Ответить
What is the gyroscope Control and how does it work? When I choose ACE from control types in settings and tilt my phone the gyroscope Control doesn’t work. Bebop drone
Leo J - Ответить
I bought an used Bebop with 2 chargers and batteries. Neither batteries work (when they charge, the red LED lights up and after 10 seconds, it starts flashing red. Nothing I can do can change it - but how do I repair it? I have tried to let it charge overnight, but the flashing red led keeps flashing. Help me, please.
Frido - Ответить
What u need to do is get a working battery plug it in and as soon as the red light turns on on the charger switch the working one with one that isn't working this will trick the battery into thinking it has charge .if all it battery's are dead get a battery from a drill for example use volt tester/multimeter and test how much u have in bebop battery then the drill battery write it down then connect positive from the bebop battery to the positive of the drill battery and neg to each aswell monitor how much power is going into the bebop battery and don't leave it too long if gets warm disconnect let cool down then do same procedure till u acheive at least 9vlys in bebop this will fix it problem temporarily best to look for another battery
Joe Gammon - Ответить
Unable to calibrate my Bebop 2 roll axis. First 2 axis’s calibrate fine. The drone flys fine no instability in flight. Any ideas what may be causing this and if I should be concerned?
jmartjr - Ответить
Drone starts all blades are spinning but will not lift up.
Catherine Audet - Ответить
Drone turns on , propellers spin but tilts forward and will not lift off.
Catherine Audet - Ответить
Double check the propellers are installed as per the diagram. There are propellers that are designated for the blue and yellow locations as per the diagram. If installed otherwise the propellers will not provide lift. Also are you using your phone or Skycontroller. Try the phone app to pilot the drone 1st, using the altitude functions and see if that works. Maybe you have a faulty skycontroller
John -
Skycontroller 2 does not power on? Battery is charged and works, battery charger works too. The green light is on when the charger is plugged into the controller, but controller won’t turn on with or without charger plugged in?
John - Ответить
Replaced a motor on my bebop2. It ran briefly then stopped. Replaced the battery, it now turns on but will not fully boot. I can see the wifi connection on free flight but once I connect I cant get any information. Any suggestions or thoughts on what may be happening?
danstoney - Ответить
My drone has a number 1 on the diagram on a controller says stage motor broken how do I fix this there is nothing wrong with the stage
Doug Moyer - Ответить
I cannot see the video recording in the gallery.. I've done a few flights but none are recorded… please help
milos.sremcevic - Ответить
What does the blue flashing blue led light on bebop mean. It will not work also
Paul kuhnel - Ответить
After flying and landing my drone, the motors do not stop.
martypat - Ответить
Need some help. I Was flying my Parrot BeBop 2 last week and it was about 200ft in the air when all the sudden it disconnected from the remote and the blades quit turning. It fell out of the air and landed on it’s top side on the road. The battery got smashed and the nose cone was cracked. The camera area is fine. I put another battery on it and turned it on, the Red light flashes on the back but it does not sync to the remote.
The battery was at 88% when it crashed. I have no idea on what to do now. Can anyone please help me out.
Ryan Elder - Ответить
My bepop 2 will power up but it wont actually set off? Can anyone help please?
Thanks in advance
Katie Xox - Ответить
Hi bebop cooling fan stays permanently on ! What should I do ?
razoreddie555 - Ответить
All looks good but no camera image in laptop Works every once in a while
howard ringstad - Ответить
Battery is fully charged. When I take off, the battery runs to 0% in a few seconds. When I switch off and back on, the battery is still fully charged. When I take off again, it’s always the same problem. Is it the battery (all my batteries do the same) or is it the drone?
Jo Van de Vijver - Ответить
Please help!
my parrot bebop 2 drone was working before I replaced the scratched lens.
no lights or anything when I put my fully charged battery in it…
Aleks Michajlowicz - Ответить
How do you connect to update?
Gary Smith - Ответить
Two things MUST BE CLEAR:
1 The WiFi should be talking to the drone
2) to update the drone you must go back to your ho e WiFi, download the update and switch WIFI to the drone,
3) then update the firmware
Jorge Lallemand - Ответить
Hi there I bought a bebop2 drone used 3 time and putted way for 7 months yesterday I tried to power on…battery shows green but drone doesn’t power on. do you have any idea to fix it?
loizson - Ответить
Mine doesnt even take off anyone know how to get it to move
van_biezen - Ответить
bebop drone has no firmware? how to download firmware to drone
Geo. F - Ответить
Put the battery in and lights will not flash power will not come on
Tyler - Ответить
When I connect my drone Wi-Fi and GPS good I got to takeoff and it drains my battery instantly what’s my problem
Anthony Blakeney - Ответить
Please can u help me, my drone ( bebop parrot 2) turn on( blue light) ok but goes off instantly after around 10 seconds on its on!
I'm not sure what to do from here!
ney sena - Ответить
crash landed upside down, replaced motherboard due to inability to reconnect to drone, bee bop 2 power. flight pro says I;m connected no internet and not connected shows up when i return to app, to fly. Same as before. the ip adress is off by one digit. a4 not a 1. so how does that help me if its not right? controller sits there blinking along with the drone. yes i reset updated the drone as told. now what
Mick Chudy - Ответить
Ok so how to update firmware when the freeflught pro app won't let me
Jeremy Wylie - Ответить
No matter what I change or reset my bepop 1 only gives me this to connect
ardrone_081570 can anyone help?
Nick - Ответить
My brand new drone will not return to home base I’ll try to get a replacement over a year ago and y’all refuse to replace or fix it I am through with this co
delos mos9600@aol.com
Delos - Ответить
Symptoms : Bebop 2 powers on, makes the bip bip engine noise, then goes to Eternal slowly blinking red light.
I can see WiFi signal, can connect directely via phone or computer, can do a FTP connection, a telnet connection, update the firmware ...
but I can't connect to freeflight pro, neither via the radio command. ...
I was able also to upload the move & copy tool software and make it works (eg extension to usb ...) but anyway, I come back to the same state.
History : drone crashed from 60 feets, with 40% power remaining that suddenly stopped. It fall on large, nevertheless the frame was damaged, nothing else. I could not get back the recorded pictures & movies, all data were inaccessible (or drone blocked and I had to reset ?).
I searched all forums and ca, but cannot get a precise list of what means this slowly blinking red light (excepted 'booting', but i never stops) ; neither found a solution. Please help.
Pierrot - Ответить
My Bebop 2 drone won't turn on batteries fully charged was working fine I didn't crash it but it won't turn on I heard a new motherboard is there any other way
Billy - Ответить
My bebop 2 won't power on I've held the button for 10 seconds and for 15 seconds for 20 but nothing happens
Billy - Ответить
After changing my motherboard on my bebop 2 it won't power on unless I unplug my camera its a brand new drone with a faulty motor so I changed it then it as stopped turning on so I changed the motherboard .
Scott - Ответить
Had x2 Parrot Drone batteries which hadn’t been used for some time and had no charge left. Not even registering on a Volt metre. Parrot charger LED light would NOT come on and commence charging, as the charger didn’t detect the batteries. Carefully removed the Lithium cells from their casing and carefully connected without shorting, +ve & -ve leads up to a car/motorcycle battery charger for a few minutes to get a little charge into the cells. Then when reconnected to the Parrot battery charger, it finally detected the batteries, Red LED Light came on and was able to continue charging the batteries.
Mark Bennet - Ответить
What app do I need to download for the parrot b bop drone two
Dennis Davis - Ответить
The rotors will not turn on, but the fan motor on the bottom is on. The light on the drone is solid red and the light on the remote is green
Dennis Davis - Ответить