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Компания Apple представила iPhone 5s 10 сентября 2013 года. Ремонт данного устройства схож с предыдущими моделями, требующий отвертки и инструменты для вскрытия. Доступен в версиях GSM или CDMA; с 16, 32 или 64 ГБ памяти; в цветах: Серебристый, Золотой и «Серый космос».

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Shows apple logo for 1 sec and then goes black?

Hey there....

I have replaced the loudspeaker on an IPhone 5s...

The phone worked well before, the only problem was no sound.

Now it wont boot into IOS.. When i press the on/off button, it shows apple logo for 1 sec, and then screen goes black. But i can see that there are light in the screen (on the side when its not assempled),

If i try to start it by holding the on/off button, it shows the logo for 5-6 seconds and then goes black.

I have tried to go to recovery mode (or what it is called), but it wont let me.

Now i have replaced the bottom cable, with jack, charger and microphone on... Still nothing happens..

I have tried to connect a broken screen, but also with the same result.

The only thing i now believe it could be, is the battery. The first time i changed the part, i took the battery out. And when i was trying to boot the Iphone, i said that there was no power on, but the phone was fulle charged before i started.

Could it be a damaged battery??

Or is there someone that have an idea of what else could be wrong???

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i cheked battary and disply and software also but no use ... pls help meee what's the problem ???????


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Doesn't sound like a damaged battery to me. What you describe sounds like the phone can't boot iOS and thus shuts down or restarts, just like a computer would if it crashes during startup.

Are you sure you are following the correct procedure to get into recovery mode?

1. Connect a the charger cable to your computer and the phone. (USB -> Lightning cable)

2. Restart by holding the home button and sleep/wake button for a few seconds

3. When the screen turns off, release the sleep/wake button but keep holding the home button, the screen will most likely remain turned off. Check iTunes on the computer if it is detecting a phone in recovery mode. 4. Restore software using iTunes.

If this doesn't help or work most likely you have a damaged logic board. This could be due to various reasons, most commonly not using proper ESD protection during repairs. It says in the guide i linked that you might have felt a shock, but this is not true, ESD damage can be caused by shocks to small you can't feel it.

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I was SO frustrated. The step by step helped me calm down and my phone is working! I am SO RELIEVED! Thank you, thank you, thank you!


How do you know if the restore is working? My phones screen remains black after doing the restore and nothing pops up on iTunes telling me the progress, let alone if it began


You rock. I replaced my whole screen and you just saved me from throwing away a perfectly good phone.


Worked perfectly, iTunes installed updates and reset to factory settings. Phone working again. Thanks, nice to get clear advice that works, I was about to scrap the phone.


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Boot apple logo, then one sec to black screen lit up means it's going into DFU mode due to corrupted firmware a.k.a unreadable system partition, if this is the result you either need to restore or NAND needs reprogrammed / reballed.

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restoring isn't helping. :(


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Hi I’m Nirmal Singh. I’m currently having this issue with my mums phone. iTunes said it was because the iOS hadn’t been updated in awhile (which tbh, it hasn’t.) so that could also be ur issue.

UPDATE: I restored and updated the software. The phone now shows a regular screen. If you tried this and you cannot get the phone to restore, you may have a software issue - maybe the software encountered an interruption while updating, or when it failed. If you cant use iTunes, maybe try to update/restore using open source softwares.

If u wish to thank me, I’m a woman. Please do not red arrow me - I’m just sharing what worked for me. If it didn’t work for you, there are many possibilities as to why. Its not *my* fault and I’m not sharing anything offensive.

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my iphone 5s apple logo few sec then black screen and then shutting down


any solusition help me


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If its not the battery, than its U2 charging chip on motherboard. Try to find someone to replace it.

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sounds to me like you accidentally knocked off a small component next to the battery that is responsible for battery gas gauge.

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Really? This was very useful! Do you know how much that would cost to get fixed?


not sure on what someone will charge you. just try to find a phone repair shop near you that does microsoldering and ask them


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same problem here, replaced the battery, it worked for a few day but now only apple logo and backlight.

Anyone found a solution / reason ?

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Turn on phone Iphone 6 plus show Apple log then turn of screen black

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Turn on phone Iphone 6 plus show Apple log then turn of screen black

i update software but it detect erro78 this problem i gate after replace screen


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What do I do when my phone was working all day yesterday and then I’ve woke up and it’s showing me a computer logo and telling me to go to apple support but we’ve done everything it says to do and it’s not working still. It’s still giving me the computer logo

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by changing u2 chip on board can solve this problem the problem caused by shortage of battery or charger

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Hello Soren Pedersen,

I have the same problem with my iPhone 5S now (logo for 1 sec and then goes black with activ backlight).

Can you share the way, how did you solve it?



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i have the same problem is there anyone solve like this problem is there any solution for this ?? except u2 i-c is there any other solution? from what unit those this u2 ic d-same ???


Hi, I have the same problem on an iPad 2 and none of the proposed solutions have helped.


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I change the u2 ic same problem

Update (11/14/2017)

I chang the u2 ic same problem

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Same problem with my iphone 6s. I need to know how to fix it please if anybody know how to fix it text me at 601-808-0890 thanks sincerely Matthew

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Did you get any helpful response?


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Did updat 11.4 5se starts acting funky turned on but said searching then finally stopped turning on now flashes logo and black lit screen. Apple support is no help. I officially am about to jail break it!

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How do you jail break it when you can't see anything?


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My daughter loves her phone to death and she didn't upload anything to her cloud. She's crying because she thinks she has to get everything erased! Here is her problem and what happened before. This happened a night ago. My daughter was spinning her phone on a coffee table with her finger. It fell and hit the bottom part of the coffee table. Might I add its fallen before and its never done anything like this. When unplugged it won't turn on by pressing the home or on\off button. On a charger it will show the apple logo then turn black and sometimes it will even show red after the apple logo! I really don't want to get her a new phone, and ive tried holding the power button and the home button for 2 minutes! and nothing! But once it did show the battery and the red inside of it! But its been on the charger since 9:42 PM last night! Any help would be very helpful! Please help.

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sounds like your battery is disconnected


My iPhone 5s 16GB unit suddenly won't turn on off of its own power (understandeable because it was discharged for months),but when it is plugged in,it immediately starts up showing the apple logo for a second,and then it goes black,tho at that black screen,i can see the backlight because my display has some issues,but it worked fine.(with connected battery.)

Phone Info:

Name: iPhone 5s



iOS Version:Previously on 12.4.8,now on 12.4.9



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My IPhone 5s won’t turn on. I’ll click the power or home button, *or both together* and the apple logo appears for a few seconds than it goes black again. I’ve tried numerous times. And while it’s pluged in! NOTHING WORKS! It just shows the logo when shuts off. I don’t know what to do… Any soultions??? Please?

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i have also the same problem when i hold the power button for 2 , 3 second apple logo appears but when i release the power button it goes black i’m seeing active back-light for 1 mint. is there any solution..?? please.

there is more one thing, is my when i connect my phone with laptop its shows unrecognized USB. i gave some one to repair but problem still there. so i decided to open my phone when i opened my phone i saw someone has removed the usb ic and also damaged the print of this ic. is there any help please..

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I have the same problem but when I restore my phone It works for a couple of days ands then the screen goes dark again and I have to restore again and its become a routine restore for me what could be wrong with my phone

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Make sure your phone has been plugged into your computer with iTunes mine needed a critical update but it failed so it couldn’t boot iOS

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It is a softwere problem try to update your mobile and restore by itunes .

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I have this same problem following a recent update of the software, the hite screen with the black apple logo comes on for around 3-5s and then goes black as if its turned off. It repeats this continuously. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

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Same problem.. please help


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Hi my iphone 5s only logo seen but phone is charging sound hear

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I have same problem when I replace the screen. Now payinga man says that it is problem of codec IC

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My iphone 5s shows apple logo for 1 second then shows black immediately but with some light down the screen

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I have the same issue I know it is al old phone but still it was working good went up to the mountains got discharged and then exactly the same problem as the OP ... tried most of what is suggested here tried to update the IOS but at the end it says Phone ineligible for this build .... What now???

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