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Samsung's 5th-generation Android-based Galaxy smartphone was released April 11, 2014. Improvements to the phone include a fingerprint scanner, updated camera, larger display, and water resistance. It is available in four different colors; black, blue, white, and copper.

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Phone makes strange noise when unlocking

When I go to unlock my GS5 the phone makes a strange a weird beep noise that lasts a second. When I play music the music stops for a second then continues, except when I am playing it on bluetooth speakers after I unlock the phone. Is it a factory reset issue or something more?

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Check to see if you have got the Screen Lock Sound enabled.

Go to Settings > Sound > Screen Lock Sound

The Screen lock sound sets the device to sound when you lock or unlock the touch screen.

You'll probably find that this is the reason your music stops when you unlock the phone.

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If this does not work for you, go to settings> Sound> Screen lock sound and turn it off. once you have done that, go to nfc and payment and switch it on and off. this should solve the problem


You star, I would never have guessed it was the NFC that was doing it


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