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A lawn mower made by the American Company Toro

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The rope pull will not pull to start. It did yesterday

Yesterday the mower started great. Today after cleaning the underside of the mower and replacing the blade the pull rope moved very little not enough to start the engine. What do you think it is causing the problem?

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Doris does thee ripcord come all the way out and will it go all the way back in ?or is it only partly returning


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Doris, did you remember to remove whatever you used to keep the motor from turning when you replaced the blade? Check the oil level and make sure there's some on the dipstick. If everything looks good up to now, try removing the spark plug - so the motor turns easily - and turning the blade by hand, in the proper direction. (If I remember correctly, that'll be counterclockwise looking at the blade from underneath the Toro.) Of the motor turns, there's likely a problem with the pull-starter. You'll have to remove it from the machine to find out what's wrong. If the motor does _not_ turn with the spark plug removed, the motor is probably seized up - a major headache! IF this proves to be the case, remember in the future to _always_ check the engine oil before every use.

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Doug, you're yanking my chain here. Re-read the question.


Not trying to "yank" anyone's chain! Without a definition of "moved very little" - an inch? two inches? a foot? just taking up rope slack? - it's difficult to tell whether the engine wasn't turning at all, or if the starter mechanism was stuck. If a machine works until one does "something" to it, it's reasonable to assume the "something" was responsible for the following result, no?


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