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Unveiled at the 2000 North American International Auto Show on January 10, 2000, the redesigned 2001 Dodge Caravan and 2001 Chrysler Town & Country were released for sale in August 2000.

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Where is located the back-up light fuse?

I can't find the back-up light fuse on the fuse box under hood. has other fuse box?

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The info in this link explains why there is no separate fuse for the back up lights in your vehicle.


Hopefully this is of some help.

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The problem was That I had a short circuit. before that one reverse light was working. Now both light don't work


Hi, Did you do the test as recommended in the link?

Disconnect the BCM C2 connector. The BCM is located behind the driver’s side of the dash. Connect a fused wire from a 12v power source and apply the 12-volts to the white/light green wire on the connector. If the backup lights work, the BCM is faulty and must be replaced with a new and dealer-programmed unit.


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