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The fifth Google Nexus phone. Officially announced on October 31, 2013, it sports a 4.95" 1080p display, a 2.26 GHz Snapdragon processor, and LTE support. Powered by Android 4.4.2, KITKAT. Manufactured by LG.

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Part identification for Nexus 5

I recently disassembled my old Nexus 5 just for the fun of it. I came across a part and I am unable to figure out what it is (I attached two picures - The part I mean is the small hole next to the headphone jack). I am probably just not seeing the obvious but could anybody help me out? A friend of mine said it is an IR blaster but I checked and the Nexus 5 does not have IR.

[Sorry, forgot the pictures]

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I'm not seeing these attached pics you speak of




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I'm not sure and I wouldn't know the part number, but to me it looks like it might be what is known as a tertiary or noise cancelling microphone if it is connected to the systemboard. I cannot make it out too well. Given that in the picture there seems to be a hole leading to outside the case in front of the component.

Here is a link to what I am talking about.


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Thank you jayeff.

That sounds plausible. Didn't think about that.


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