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The March 2015 update of Apple's 13" MacBook Pro Retina Display, model A1502, features fifth-generation Intel Core i5 and i7 processors and introduces the Force Touch trackpad.

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Keyboard Issues not working

I have a similar problem, only power button is working, but I didn't spill anything on the keyboard.

It is a Macbook pro 13" early 2015 running on Mac OS Sierra 10.12

External Bluetooth keyboard is working properly

Booting in safe mode still doesn't change anything

emptying the PRAM either

Does anyone have a clue? shall I open it and check the connectors that could be misplaced?


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Выбранное решение

@drusixtynine I'm starting to see more keyboard issues on the 2014-2015 machines. Here's one I just solved last Friday after a three week battle, see my answer to my own question:

Will not power up unless SMC reset is done

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Hi and thanks for the answer mayer,

According to your link, it is probably a battery problem, but before that, I should do an SMC reset... right?

how can I do an SMC reset on my MBP 2015 as the keyboard is not answering? as Apple's step by step says that we need to do it with the internal keyboard...


Usually disconnecting the mag-safe and the battery, then pressing the power button for five seconds, then plugging the battery back in and connecting the mag-safe will result in a spontaneous boot.


but this model has a built in battery...


I understand. Follow this guide to disconnect the battery, step#5.

MacBook Pro 13" Retina Display Early 2015 Battery Replacement


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Hi .. I have macbook pro in this some keys are not working some keys like f g h j k l.. Is it hardware problem or software I'm not getting plz help me out of this problem..

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