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The Xbox One Wireless Controller model 1697 was released in 2015 and replaced the model 1537 controller and fixed some of the problems found on Model 1537 controllers. The Model 1697 controller includes an integrated 3.5mm headset jack, which allows compatibility with most 3rd party headsets without the need of an adapter. This controller has been discontinued and replaced by the Model 1708 controller.

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Will only connect when sat within 2 feet of the console

Hi guys,

My Xbox One has recently started having problems connecting to my controllers. It is generally fine when sat really close to the console (no more than 2 feet) but as soon as I sit further away it constantly disconnects and can take several minutes to find connection again unless I move closer to the console. I have three official controllers and it does the same with all of them so I assume it must be an issue with the console.

Any help you can give would be hugely appreciated! Would resetting the console help? I've had the issue for a week now so please don't suggest turning it off and on!



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You might have a loose or disconnected WiFi antenna cable connection in the console.

Here is a link to the Ifixit repair guide for a Xbox One WiFi board. You will notice if you scroll down to Step 15. (or 16) the picture showing the WiFi antenna cable connection.

Xbox One Wi-Fi Board Replacement

Be aware of the possibility of voiding the warranty as stated in Step 1 of the guide.

Hopefully this is of some help.

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