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The eMac was an all-in-one G4-based Mac designed for the education market and released in April 2002. It was the last Mac to use a CRT display and was sold at a low price to schools and other institutions.

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Airport Extreme Card not detected

I have a 800Mhz, 512MB, Mac OS 10.4.11 eMac.

It did not ship with an Airport Extreme card so I have sourced one and attempted to fit it. I put in as normal (above disc drive) and booted the system but it has not been detected. I later tried an Apple Hardware Test and it didn't even find a Card to test.

I know this card works because I put it in my iBook G4 and it worked fine. I then took the card that was in the iBook G4 and tried it in the eMac. Exact same problem. What is wrong with my eMac?

I appreciate any response, thanks!

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The reason you are having difficulty installing an Airport Extreme card in your eMac is because the 700/800MHz models use the older Airport card.

You can get one here on iFixit: [связанный продукт отсутствует или отключен: IF143-010]

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i must have skipped over that part.... you are correct.


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Hmmmm?! I have to disagree with the answers here. My reasoning is this:

I have 10 800 MHz eMacs. The standard Airport card WILL NOT fit in them; I just tried it. The slot provided for card installation is slimmer than the Airport Card, and slightly "stepped" on the sides (like an Extreme card).

As to why the card is not registering in your eMac:

Firmware issue

You should double check the devalias and see if the card is listed there. If it is...ouch! If it isn't:

Time to do the old nvram reset, and set defaults. Remember, computers need to be reminded what they are, and what they are supposed to do, once they have been upgraded. That eMac may not know it has the wireless card, because it was never shipped with one, or been intended to have one. The price of buying school surplus.... <sigh>

Give her a good old firmware "slap", and see what she does.


Further proof of my response:


eMac ATi and eMac (USb 2.0) both show Extreme supported NOT standard Airport.

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You need one of the regular PCMCIA AirPort Cards

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I voted this down as your answer is redundant. :(


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My emac does not recognize the airport extreme card I have installed. Help!


PowerMac4, 4

PowerPC G4 (3.3)



256 KB

512 MB

133 MHz


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