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Replace cracked screen Lenovo 720-13ikb

How do I replace the Lenovo yoga 720-13ikb screen? What parts are required? Where can these parts be ordered from? Thank you!

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Hi @mwswenson ,

Here is a link to the service manual for your laptop.

Scroll to p.61 to view the necessary pre-requisite steps and then the procedure to remove the display panel.

Unfortunately there is no part number listed for the display panel (part #2 p.87) which would make a replacement easier to find. There may be a part number stamped on the back of the display panel which may help, but you'd have to remove it first to find out.

Here is a link to just one supplier of a replacement display panel.

It is not a recommendation to use them. It is shown to give an idea of the cost of the part. It isn't cheap.

There are other suppliers online that may suit you better. Just search for Lenovo YOGA 720-13IKB replacement screen to get results.

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Is this part compatible with the 730 Yoga that is also 13ikb?


Hi @peterspc ,

I don't know, but you're luckier in that the service manual for your laptop shows the part numbers for the two types of LCD modules available for your laptop.

Scroll to p.59 item #2 to find the two LCD module part numbers and then type the appropriate part number "only"- nothing else, in the search box of your browser to find suppliers of the part.

If you're not sure which module type is installed in your laptop you may be able to verify which is the correct part number as hopefully the part number should be printed somewhere on the back of the LCD panel in your laptop.

To remove the panel scroll to p.44 to view the necessary pre-requisite steps and then the procedure to remove the LCD unit.

Hopefully this is of some help.


See if you can find a BIOS locked one or something with a similar crippling issue as a "parts" system to get the screen you need.


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