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iPhone 4S Only charges when turned off

I’ve recently just got a new iphone 4s,

The day i got it, the charger was 100% working and the next day it seemed to only charge when the phone is turned off and its really annoying to turn my phone off to charge it, is there any fix?

If so, could you reply to this question so i can try and fix it….

I’ve already tried soft reset, hard reset and factory reset and still no luck, i’ve tried restarting the phone and no luck

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Replacing the charger port usually fixes this problem as it's socket is worn out in most cases.

Here are links to replacement part and guide from iFixit if you want to do it:

Замена разъёма док-станции iPhone 4S

iPhone 4S Dock Connector

iPhone 4S Dock Connector Изображение


iPhone 4S Dock Connector


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Thank you, but do you think it might just fix its self?

cause there has been things going around about it just being a bug... and it usually fixes in like 4-5 days?


Doubt it, like said before usually worn out connector, dust debris in charging socket or corrosion / liquid damage in charging socket.


I've cleaned out the charging socket and i don't think there has been any liquid in it :/ Bit lost...


Then the charging dock needs to be replaced, if that doesn't help it's then a board-level issue that isn't worth diagnosing.


Alrighty, thanks


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Try blowing on your charging port and charger

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