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Black strip at bottom screen after battery replacement

Now, I have a black strip at the bottom of my iPhone 4S screen which has appeared after I replaced the battery. This black strip covers about 1/4 th of the bottom-most row of icons. Other than that the phone works perfectly fine including the touch response from icons which are partially covered. iOs installed version 9.3.5 (13G36)

Update (10/30/2018)

iPhone 4S battery replacement does not require screen removal at all. All that has to be done is to unscrew two screws next to the charging cable input port near the home button and slide out the back cover to access the battery. Unscrewing two more screws before disconnecting the battery connector is all that is needed to be done further.

For Ben - I found it quite easy to pry out the battery as it was not held too firmly unlike what I had experienced during battery replacement in the older iPhone models. I therefore can not really figure out as to why and how the screen could have got damaged. As stated earlier, the phone works absolutely fine with even partially obscured icons responding to the touch as normal. Thanks for your responses. I hope we can figure out the solution soon.

I have the photo but don’t know as to how to attach it here.

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Выбранное решение

The black strip appeared most likely due to putting too much force into prying out the old battery or accidentally push against the holes of the iPhone housing where you can touch the back of the screen.

If the metal cover held in with screws at the top of the logic board wasn’t removed then you’ll need to get the screen replaced as it’s physically damaged.

Can you post a picture of the screen turned on here so we can see what kind of damage it is?

I have linked guide and parts if needed:

Замена дисплея iPhone 4S

iPhone 4S Screen

iPhone 4S Screen Изображение


iPhone 4S Screen


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Depending on how you removed the screen you may have damaged the LCD

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