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An SSD, or Solid State Drive, is a type of storage device that uses NAND-based flash memory to store data.

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Would I Need To Reinstall Mac OS X Catalina?

Hi, I didn’t purchase my item via ifixit, but I thought you could help me anyway. I bought an Aura SSD from OWC, and I just wanted to know if, after I’ve install the drive into my computer I would have to reinstall Mac OS X Catalina onto my computer? I’ve already backed up a good chunk of my data (the most important data/files that I want to save), just in case.

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Выбранное решение

After 10.7 and the recovery partition, reinstallation is the recommended method - it doesn’t ever carry over correctly or it doesn’t clone with the rest of the drive. It’s better to reinstall since cloning is so unreliable now.

There are now issues with APFS, but 10.7 is too old for that. 10.13-present is when you introduce the APFS problem.

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Ugh, I was afraid of that answer, but alright, clean install it is. Thanks, Nick.


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