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The Xbox One Wireless Controller model 1697 was released in 2015 and replaced the model 1537 controller and fixed some of the problems found on Model 1537 controllers. The Model 1697 controller includes an integrated 3.5mm headset jack, which allows compatibility with most 3rd party headsets without the need of an adapter. This controller has been discontinued and replaced by the Model 1708 controller.

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xbox one controller pcb analog stick replacement issue.


I tried replacing the left analog stick module on a xbox one controller board (soldering).

I did not solder a new module on the controller yet so on the moment you only see the soldering “holes” but when i connect my controller to my xbox or my pc it keeps pressing up (controller tester says the left stick is continuesly pushing up) But there is no left stick…

Does somebody know what this could be?

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Hi @b100nl ,

I don't know the circuit but perhaps the controller tester needs to verify that there is actually a left stick controller connected, by testing the electrical path to the left stick controller which verifies that there is one there and as it is not there it is giving the indication that you describe.

Make sure that there are no solder bridges between the controller connections i.e. holes,on the pcb that may be fooling the tester, just in case what I only think may be the case is totally wrong.

Try soldering in the new left stick controller and check what the result is.

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Thanks for your response, yeah i hope thats the case then..

I had similair problems when i replaced the stick on other controller boards to, but those repairs where the first time i tried to repair it. (really bad solder job etc) and i ended up ripping the pads of the board and all kinds of things.

But i only have 2 new stick modules left at the moment (new ones comming but takes long due shipping) and it would be unfortunate if i solder them to a board whats broken xd.

But i think i just take the risk and hope thats the problem.


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