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RCA 10 Viking Pro RCT6K03W13 is a tablet created by RCA. It is a cheap powerful alternative to other tablets.

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No power or screen display in.my tablet

Why is my tablet not having a power even.pressing.down.the power button.for couple seconds

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hi. im having the same-ish problems. it'll charge. but the screen stays black. im pretty sure its a display issue. so if you know how to fix that. plz tell me. it would be greatly appreciated


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Does the tablet give any indication that the battery is charging when the charger is connected to the tablet?

If it doesn’t show that it is charging, leave the charger connected to the tablet for 1-2 hours and check if the tablet's battery starts to charge. It may be that the battery has become depleted and needs to be kick-started back into life.

If it doesn’t show that it is charging when using the charger after ~2 hours, try connecting the tablet to a computer using an appropriate USB cable (micro USB at tablet end / USB at computer end) and check if the tablet starts to charge.

If it does start to charge when connected to a computer, then either the charger is faulty or perhaps the charger port on the tablet is faulty. Also let it fully charge before attempting to turn on the tablet.

If it won’t turn on after the battery has fully charged, use a straightened out paperclip to press and hold the reset button for 4-5 seconds and then release. The reset button pinhole is located on the back of the tablet (see image below)

Block Image

(click on image to enlarge for better viewing)

If the tablet doesn’t show that it is charging when using either charging option then perhaps the battery has failed and need to be replaced. Here’s the ifixit RCA 10 Viking Pro RCT6K03W13 Battery Replacement guide which may be of some help.

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4 Комментариев:

Hi,,it still wasnt working even pressing the reset button


HI @jennen mongaya-dumayaca

You didn't say whether the tablet showed that it was charging or not when a charger was connected?

if not then the tablet will have to be opened and the problem further investigated.

If it does show that it is charging but it won't start with the charger connected, then perhaps the battery may need to be replaced first as the charger might not be able to do both things if the battery is depleted too far, charge the battery and run the tablet


@jayeff hi it is charging ,I think.no.probs to the battery or the charger itselfIt has to be on the power mode or I dont know much


Shalom. My tablet has the blue light to indicate it is charging; however, I still have a blue screen. The tablet has been on the charger for 3 days. Thanks for any and all help.


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Hi @jwrocks,

With the tablet turned on, try shining a torch at an angle close to the screen to check if there are any images showing. They will be very faint if they are there at all so trying this in a darkened room may help.

If they are then there is a backlight problem, either on the systemboard or in the screen

Click on the device icon, on the top right of page to view the repair guides for the tablet.

There isn’t a screen replacement guide but they should still help to gain access to the tablet’s components etc.

Check that the LCD screen flex cable is securely inserted etc.

Here’s a video that shows how to replace the touchscreen in a similar model that may also help. Replacing the LCD screen is only one more step.

Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to find replacement LCD screens for your model when searching for RCT6K03W13 LCD screens, only touchscreens (digitizers). You may have better luck. You could try searching online by using the screen’s part number which is usually found on the back of the screen itself.

Hopefully this is of some help

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