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iPhone XS был выпущен 21 сентября 2018 года в нескольких моделях: A1920, A2097, A2098, A2100. Они включают такие модификации: GSM или CDMA/eSIM/nano-SIM. Цветовое разнообразие ограничилось серебристым, золотым и Space Gray оттенками.

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Is it possible to re-enable Face ID after tripping tamper detection?

Apple has said their Face ID will disable itself if it detects tampering:

''“The TrueDepth camera system incorporates tamper-detection features. If tampering is detected, the system may be disabled for safety reasons. “''

Does anyone know if it’s possible to reverse / reset this? I’m afraid I may have tripped the boobytrap replacing my screen for the 2nd time. Apple ran a remote hardware diagnostic (over the phone) and everything came back as operational yet Face ID still doesn’t work.

Since FaceID isn’t repairable I would have to buy a new phone to fix this (it’s 13mo old). If their safeguard is the reason it’s not working I hardly feel I should have to pay for a new phone when I haven’t even paid off this one yet!

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Выбранное решение

Changing your screen would not have disabled face ID but nicking the sensor flex cables or damaging the sensors would.

·         Check the flex cables for tiny nicks.

·         Backup than restore your phone through iTunes.

If restoring the phone doesn’t help and you really need face ID you will need to get a screen replacement at the Apple store.

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Based on what Apple told me on the phone this problem can't be fixed / repaired. I'd have to turn the phone in and buy a replacement at "60% cost."


@Dave That’s how they make money. To them nothing is repairable. When Apple do a screen change they install the whole assembly and use there machine to marry it to the CPU. So yes they can fix it. Unless it is the CPU that is damaged in which case your phone would not work at all.


@imicrosoldering How sure are you that they replace the earpiece / front sensor assembly with screen replacement then marry them? Everywhere else I've read says this is not possible for security reasons.


They have not got the skills to transfer these parts over and even if they did they are not allowed. They will put a fully assembled screen on the phone and then connect it to their Horizon machine to calibrate everything.


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You would need to take the phone back to Apple and have it serviced by them. They’ll probably want to replace your screen and camera. The problem you have is Apple’s current generation of tools (since at least 2015) are cloud based, so you need to be an AASP or be at the Genius bar working as a tech for access to even be able to “re-marry” the camera to the CPU.

If they try and pin you on something that isn’t your fault, stand your ground and make them prove it. Since you technically did unauthorized repair work, you can’t hide from the bill by making them shift the blame, since it isn’t hard to find out. Do not talk about the display replacement.

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I replaced back glass and had phone off / powered down prior to opening and disconnecting everything completely disconnected and once put back together my Face id worked fine, put forgot to hook up my charging connector, i got lazy and kept my phone actually on and screen display open while front glass was tipped open to access, this was my mistake i think as i then disconnected screen and even the infrared sensor and camera connector setting off the tamper system while phone was powered on i believe. that is then when my face id, which still picks up my face but but will not recognize movement or me turning in circular motion as it directs. factory resets and all other attempted to get working have not worked. Ive changed many screens prior with face recognition having no problems switching out when having phone completely powered down. my mistake and haven’t found a solution with resetting tamper system

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