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Support for gas-powered and electric golf carts, sometimes referred to as golf cars or club cars after the Club Car Golf Cart brand.

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Yamaha 36 Volt will not go.

I have an older 36 volt gc. Brand new batteries, new solenoid, but will not run. I checked the in line fuse on drivers side, behind the seat, good. I checked main key switch, good, I checked the switch under gas pedal, good, Reed switch at charger plug, good, all connections and cables are good. You can jump it at Solenoid and make it go, slow, fast, forward and back, but cannot make the solenoid click, any thoughts?

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Hi @scvscot ,

I don’t know the cart and I don’t know if I’ve found the correct wiring diagram but it shows that there is a tow switch connected to the controller as well. Maybe worth checking if it is OK.

Here’s the wiring diagram

Block Image

(click on image to enlarge for better viewing)

Apologies if it’s not the right one.

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Thank you for this, but based on battery configuration, I don’t believe it is the same, but will check further.

Thanks again for your assistance.



I reread my post and found I left out the words "tow switch". I'm getting old ;-(


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