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Whirlpool wrs322fdab05 LED light removal

I’m having the flickering/strobing lights problem described in this thread, and I understand that the solution is probably to remove the overhead light assembly and either repair or replace it. However, I don’t think my model has a removable assembly!

I’ve been doing my research, and I’ve found examples that look exactly like mine (although fridges are not identical models), and everyone say that I need to use a flathead screwdriver to push down the two tabs. But I’ve tried this to no success, and when I take a look, it appears that the “tabs” are not so removable from the top. Am I crazy? They seem to be completely attached to the top of the fridge!

Block Image

Any advice appreciated. Hoping I’m wrong, but I seriously cannot get this thing off, and I’m not feeling any give with the screwdriver.


Unfortunately, neither of the two options below appear to be working. I did some more poking around and I’ve found that the Sears website (though that’s not where we bought ours) page for this model includes an installation guide that on page 10 says “On some models, the interior lights are LEDs that cannot be changed.” Very frustrating.

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Hi @smithenstein ,

There are clips on either side of the light module. Take a small flat head screwdriver and release the tabs, the light module will come down from the ceiling and the assembly unit can be unplugged and replaced.

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those tabs hook on the edge of the opening in the fridge. You need to slide the blade between the tab and the fridge and bend the tab SLIGHTLY toward the light and pull down on the light.


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It may be that those “tabs” are hinges and the hook tabs are on the other side - though that seems strange.

Try squeezing the other side with your fingers and see if it will open up.

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It can too be removed,cuz I removed my freezer LED(use a putty knife or flathead screwdriver),replaced it & it didn't work.So I removed the refrigerator LED light,plugged it back in & they both worked.Closed the door,reopened it & now they are both flickering!Waiting for electrical spray to arrive to spray the contacts,let it dry,& hopefully solve the problem.2 calls to Whirlpool didn't help AT ALL,after sitting on hold for 40 min's!

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Replaced ours refrigerator led and it's not as bright and now my freezer is very very dim. Almost out


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Uh, I got mine out with the flat screwdriver. I thought I would disconnect it and look closer. I decided to wait. Much to my surprise all the sudden the lights came back on full. I thought .mmmm..cold solder joint. But where? Closed the door and opened it....flashing. Pushed it...came on. I dont have hot air solder machine. yuc. Anyone else try fixing the board?

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