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Repair information for the Google Pixel 4a. Released on August 20th, 2020. Model number: GA02099-US.

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How should I check if my phone still working

Hello, yesterday I dropped my phone and I think that my display is dead now, because the screen is not working at all, just making a little white line at upper left corner. The phone is still intact and everything is alright even the front glass. I also accidentally called to an emergency with power button and phone's speakers and microphone is still working. Can I somehow check more if it still working, because display change is cheaper for me now than buying a new phone

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Have you tried calling the phone number from another phone to see if it rings, you didn't say?

If you determine that the display is the only problem with the phone, here's the ifixit Google Pixel 4a Screen Replacement guide that will help.

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