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Представленный 3-его марта 20 17 г. Nintendo Switch- это портативная приставка, способная устанавливаться в док-станцию и выводить картинку на TV

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Why doesnt handheld mode work anymore?

Could the ribbion cable cause it?

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Henry, I think we're going to need you to clarify your question.

What exactly do you mean when you say that handheld mode doesn't work? Are you talking about using it with both joycons attached to the sides of the unit? What exactly doesn't work when it's used like that vs. when the joycons are detached?

And which ribbon cable specifically are you talking about? Do you mean the ones that go from the joycon rails to the motherboard, or something else?


Sorry for not clarifying, my joycons are perfectly fine. The problem I am having is when I try to get the switch to recognize joy cons are connected and to put the console into handheld mode. I don't know what the ribbon cable for the switch rail should look like but if this helps, When I unscrewed the rail it came completely off with a disconnected ribbon cable again I don't know if its usually like that or not. I hope this helps.


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Выбранное решение

Hi Henry,

Okay, biggest sign I see right now is that the ribbon cable that's mounted on the joycon rail is supposed to be connected to the motherboard, so if it came out when you removed the rail then it's definitely not connected any more. Assuming it's not like torn in half, you'll need to open up the Switch in order to reconnect the cable. The rail, connector and flex cable all come as a single piece, so if you have to replace the cable that's what you'll end up buying. Here are the parts, depending on whether you need the left, right or both rails.

Nintendo Switch Left Joy-Con Sensor Rail

Nintendo Switch Right Joy-Con Sensor Rail: Replacement Part

If you take a look at the replacement guide for the sensor rails you'll see where they're supposed to be plugged in and what the cables should look like so you can tell if they're damaged or not.

Nintendo Switch Left Joy Con Sensor Rail Replacement - iFixit Repair Guide

Nintendo Switch Right Joy Con Sensor Rail Replacement - iFixit Repair Guide

If you'd like, you can post some pictures of what you found when you removed the sensor rail and we can take a look and see if we can tell if it's damaged or not. This guide will show you how to edit your post and add pictures.

Adding images to an existing question - iFixit Repair Guide

Nintendo Switch Left Joy-Con Sensor Rail Изображение


Nintendo Switch Left Joy-Con Sensor Rail


Nintendo Switch Right Joy-Con Sensor Rail Изображение


Nintendo Switch Right Joy-Con Sensor Rail


iFixit Изображение


Adding images to an existing question


Очень просто

2 - 5 minutes

Nintendo Switch Right Joy Con Sensor Rail Изображение


Nintendo Switch Right Joy Con Sensor Rail Replacement



30 minutes - 1 hour

Nintendo Switch Left Joy Con Sensor Rail Изображение


Nintendo Switch Left Joy Con Sensor Rail Replacement



30 minutes - 1 hour

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