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This laptop includes a 15.6 inch screen display, 500GB hard drive, and an Intel Core i3 processor. Released in February 2012, it is identified by model number NP300E5A-A02UB.

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Can this model be upgraded to NVMe SSD?


I wanted to ask if this laptop model can support an M.2 NVMe SSd. I am confused as to if it supports SATA Types or NVME types.



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Hi @ahgamerzyt

According to this SSD supplier the sata 2.5" HDD can be upgraded with a 2.5" sata SSD

According to the specifications there is no M.2 port in the laptop.

Here's the ifixit Samsung Series 3 NP300E5A-A02UB Disc Drive Replacement guide that may help.

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