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Это демонтаж а неруководство по ремонту. Чтобы отремонтировать Smart Battery Case, воспользуйтесь нашим сервисным руководством.

  1. 智能电池壳拆解, 智能电池壳拆解: шаг 1, изображение 1 из 1
    • 一些“智能”的规格:

    • 长达25小时的通话时间,18小时的LTE上网,以及20小时的视频播放。

    • 闪电连接器

    • 超细纤维内部,硅树脂外墙

    • 与iPhone兼容的闪电底座。

  2. 智能电池壳拆解: шаг 2, изображение 1 из 3 智能电池壳拆解: шаг 2, изображение 2 из 3 智能电池壳拆解: шаг 2, изображение 3 из 3
    • 印上柔软的超细纤维内衬我们发现电池盒的型号:A1585。

    • 通过一些聪明的排布,苹果将向下开口的扬声器变成了朝前开口。

    • 聪明的设计,苹果!用户似乎喜欢朝前开口的扬声器,这会是 iPhone 未来设计的方向吗

    • 麦克风也朝前开口,并和扬声器有相同额外数目的格栅。

    • 我们团队之中的唱片发烧友也在思索这些改变将会如何影响声音的品质。

  3. 智能电池壳拆解: шаг 3, изображение 1 из 3 智能电池壳拆解: шаг 3, изображение 2 из 3 智能电池壳拆解: шаг 3, изображение 3 из 3
    • 电池壳背面有它最重要的特征:iPhone 4 一样大的“驼背”!

    • mm... ... 也许。

    • 虽然智能电池需要自己的外部闪电连接器充电和传递数据到 iPhone 内,3.5毫米耳机插孔连接提供的形式是…一个洞。

    • 正如所想的一样,电池壳上的耳机孔大小刚好与 iPhone 上的耳机孔大小一致,包括适用于苹果的EarPods。

    • 然而,对于更大的尺寸,您需要某种适配器。对于一些专业的耳机设备则不适配这个耳机孔。

  4. 智能电池壳拆解: шаг 4, изображение 1 из 2 智能电池壳拆解: шаг 4, изображение 2 из 2
    • 对于拥有玫瑰金的用户,你可能不能用的你 iPhone 装X了,因为这个壳子会盖掉大部分闪亮的金属机身。

    • 幸运的是,你的相机的闪光灯应该不会受到影响。

    • 这个手机电池壳是可以轻度弯曲的,即便是有电池组件,这样可以允许用户自由的从电池壳放入或者取出 iPhone。

    • 这很好。你可能不想每天都这样做,但可能会有某种强化(稍后再说)。

  5. 智能电池壳拆解: шаг 5, изображение 1 из 3 智能电池壳拆解: шаг 5, изображение 2 из 3 智能电池壳拆解: шаг 5, изображение 3 из 3
    • 就像苹果的上一个智能”的设备,这将是一个不可避免的破坏性拆卸。各位坐好,准备开拆!

    • 热 iOpener 软化了粘合剂固定软衬,然后一些使用巧力将布层剥离开了。

    • 剥离衬里,我们第一次看到下面有刷痕的铝。

    • 我们对于铝片上的刷痕的理解是,苹果为了改善皮质对于铝的粘贴性。

    • 我们还发现了一个加强硅铰链的网状接口,以防止过度损伤。酷!

  6. 智能电池壳拆解: шаг 6, изображение 1 из 3 智能电池壳拆解: шаг 6, изображение 2 из 3 智能电池壳拆解: шаг 6, изображение 3 из 3
    • 超细纤维中的一个小洞可以让LED充电指示器 发出光亮,这是一个指示器用来告知你的电池背夹是否在充电状态中,即便是没有套在iPhone 上.

    • 苹果公司在使用从未见过的一套(意外!)T3 Torx螺钉,我们尽力去拆解!

    • 今天的维修行动使用的是我们的新的64位螺丝刀组件。

    • 这个金属板是一个触手可及的方式来分割带电池的内部结构,并用于强化电池背夹和保护电池

  7. 智能电池壳拆解: шаг 7, изображение 1 из 3 智能电池壳拆解: шаг 7, изображение 2 из 3 智能电池壳拆解: шаг 7, изображение 3 из 3
    • 很棒,一个电池连接器!

    • 首先,我们断开电池,防止意外短路或放电。总是很高兴看到这样的连接器电池,所以我们不必打破焊接在一起的铁块。

    • 这个电池被牢固的粘在你新的iphone 6s上, 这也可能帮助强化背夹

    • 7.13whr(1877毫安3.8 V)的电力,这种电池容量是你的iPhone 6S(6.55 WHR)的一倍以上。

    • 虽然如果你的原始电源是你使用过的,你依旧有很多其他选择,在有近两倍的智能电池的情况下的力量。

  8. 智能电池壳拆解: шаг 8, изображение 1 из 3 智能电池壳拆解: шаг 8, изображение 2 из 3 智能电池壳拆解: шаг 8, изображение 3 из 3
    • 拿除了电池,我们开始撬起逻辑板…跟着它的电缆深入情况下增塑性能的位。

    • 看来我们无论如何都得剪断,所以我们快速解决

    • 在移除了背夹的下部分后,我们动手剪开塑料护套。整个背夹(除了灵活的铰链)是由硬塑料以及无缝涂层软硅树脂制成。很硬但手感舒适。

  9. 智能电池壳拆解: шаг 9, изображение 1 из 3 智能电池壳拆解: шаг 9, изображение 2 из 3 智能电池壳拆解: шаг 9, изображение 3 из 3
    • 我们马上就拆解完成了!在剪断后,让我们追溯到前面的拆解,我们分离了让这个背夹变智能的部分

    • 两个闪电连接器安装在同一个板上,其连接电缆缠绕在一个塑料框架上。

  10. 智能电池壳拆解: шаг 10, изображение 1 из 3 智能电池壳拆解: шаг 10, изображение 2 из 3 智能电池壳拆解: шаг 10, изображение 3 из 3
    • 对于这样一款智能电池,看起来大部分的大脑可能都依赖于iPhone上的软件。我们只发现里面一些基本的ICS:

    • NXP nx20p3负荷开关,也发现闪电USB电缆

    • NXP 1608a1充电IC

    Pins on both sides in the Lightning port?

    (In other words, is this passthrough connector a part we might see reused in iPad Pro cases or a future iPhone/iPad using the iPad Pro's new double-sided Lightning receptacle?)

    Scott - Ответить

  11. 智能电池壳拆解: шаг 11, изображение 1 из 2 智能电池壳拆解: шаг 11, изображение 2 из 2
    • 智能电池修复2出10(10是最容易修复):

    • 非专有的T3 Torx螺钉使维修更方便,但被有很强的粘合纤维衬垫覆盖。

    • 电池更换是可能的,但可能会破坏超细纤维衬垫。

    • 唯一可以修复的部分就是更换电池,但是却被用胶水牢牢固定住

    • 在不破坏设备得情况下,其他的维修是不可能的。

    I got my phone case wet and now it doesnt charge anymore is there anything i can do

    Nick Elias - Ответить

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Evan Noronha

Участник с: 02/05/15

223 594 Репутация

Автор 168 руководств

28 Комментариев

So it's a workaround for all the dead phones that can't charge because of U2 chip failure from non-Apple charger usage. Make and sell an external U2 chip-on-a-backpack to provide your phone with an externally chargeable battery. Way to spin that one Apple. Nice save.

jessabethany - Ответить

The phone still uses it's own charging IC, this IC is most likely only used for charging the battery in the case and feeding battery charge data (from the Ti chip in the base of the battery) back via the lightning port.

Slot1gamer -

Any word on the "passive antennas" Apple mentioned.

timothywilliamson - Ответить

Same question, +1

Mark -

Something in the upper left of the 3rd pics on Step 5 & 6.

Scott -

Might it be in the 2nd photo of Step 9? It says C15, 821-005xxx, 43mm on it, looks like a flex.

iMakeit -

Just one simple question. Dose this set of chips work for all lightning iDevices?

I know the case size does't fit the iPhone 6/6S Plus and iPhone 5/5S. However, you guys have it teared down. At this stage, certainly you can give it a shot for other iDevices. Why test this? Well, if this set of chip works with other iDevices, we may able to see Apple or third party Battery Case soon. Since those cases on the market is not able to show the battery usage in the notification centre yet.

Gizardry - Ответить

no, it dont work

sacor22 -

I dont understand why Apple never added a better speaker into the bottom of the case.

edwardleonard17 - Ответить

So does it pass through the 3V of the LiPo or does it (inefficently) go 3V --> 5V then make the phone go 5V --> 3V like every other iPhone external battery?

Noah O'Donoghue - Ответить

I would think the 3V (3.6-3.7) is a limit set by the battery technology. Why if it's gonna charge over the lightning contact it needs to be transformed to 5V. I'm afraid that the current phone designs will not allow for any other way.

Maye though one could go for 6V with dual battery cells, and then bring it down to 5V.

But that would more than double the risk for a faulty battery, and complicate the charging circuits that would need to balance the cells, and make sure it would not charge if one cell is broke. If balancing would fail the result could be fire and explosion.

So just the risk would have Apple not to opt for a 2 cell version.

T Est -

Rather than peeling the case apart, it looks like you could place a template over this case and cut through the backing only where needed to remove the plate. That would cause virtually no functional damage.

kevinmcm - Ответить

Why would you want to remove the plate?

stephenferrari -

If the 'smarts' in this case are actually in the phone -that would suggest the features which set this case apart could be available for any battery case.

The only thing that's different is the iphone has some way of 'knowing' that this case is an Apple one.

I'm sure someone can make an app, possibly it would have to be a jailbreak tweak, that makes the iphone recognize all battery cases, not just the official apple one and we'd have the same 'smart' features for any case.

stephenferrari - Ответить

I wonder since the Iphone 7 doesn't have a headphone jack.. Might they put a DAC into the bottom to restore it? Since they iPhone 7 is a bit thinner too, it might have less battery capacity. Though they did say they were able to "add" some more battery capacity because of the removed headphone jack, and the A10 (might) use less power. That would be a win-win for people who want more battery life, don't "mind the bump", and grumble about the lost headphone jack. But it might be harder to sell AirPods. Especially if we have a “AirpodFallingOut-gate”.

And defeats the purpose of removing it to begin with to force people to "move on". And get researchers to figure out how to make a lossless Bluetooth codec that can reliably synchronize with video and remove (most of) the "buffering time" when the connection drops out. Maybe go lossy for a bit, continue real-time audio, and re-build the buffer at the same time. I don't know much about codecs, so that idea might be completely off-base.

jimwitte - Ответить

my phone case got wet what can i do

Nick Elias - Ответить

Dry it with a towel, use a vacuum cleaner to suck all the water out of the openings then put it in rice for about 5 or 6 days.

Ryan (RyanDaPlayer) -

Where could I find that battery? Looks like if I was just replacing that battery it wouldnt be very difficult, wouldnt damage much of anything, once you peel that felt off, it wouldnt look the prettiest after re-attaching but thats all behind the phone out of site anyway. Anyone/>?

Christian Postier - Ответить

If you use hot air to warm the whole case up (like how samsung use a small low temp oven for their phones) the felt should come off in one piece and stick back like new (warm it back up to reseal).

Slot1gamer -

Silicon from my case is peeling off and it looks so ugly. How can i fix it? I wonder if i could just take this electronic piece and replace to new case but where i can find a new one reassembled new case?

sacor22 - Ответить

I am looking to add a D ring into the corners of the case next to the headphone jack and the speakerphone to make this case into a purse. Is there anything in the corners that I would compromise?

jackieweiss34 - Ответить

I’m wondering if I can drill a hole in the headphone jack to make it a bit larger and fit my new headphones. Does anyone know if this would destroy the device?

Shai Toledano - Ответить

What are the dimension for the actually battery?

Drew Randolph - Ответить

Brilliant! Just bought a brand new 6S, and the battery life is POOR; AppleCare agree to send me a free Smart Case!

Matt Foot - Ответить

Does anyone know any links to batteries that would fit in the charging case? For iPhone 7 plz

Aaron Silver - Ответить

I just teared down my smart battery case and i didn’t have to cut the bottom part of. You just have to remove the glue form the cornes and push with a small screwdriver the female connector. I didn’t have to destroy the device like you said.

Mine went to the swimming pool and my friend(the one that pushed me into) tried to removed the cover and broken the cover lighting connector i can find a place to buy just the connector.

Its was very useful! So sad!

kabelo.bb - Ответить

Hi, my case has stopped charging, the phone picks up the case but there is only a 1/100 chance of the case charging by replugging the plug. Do you have any clues on why? Or how to fix it?

Kieran Mahon - Ответить

Is there a place that I can send mine in for repair?

Dennis Porter - Ответить

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