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Huawei Honor 8 Troubleshooting
The Phone Dies Quickly
The phone will not respond or show any sign of powering up.
The Battery Is Dead
The battery may be completely dead. Use a USB type C cable to charge the phone for a few hours, then attempt to power the phone on again.
The Battery Is Faulty
If the phone shows signs of charging but does not power up after at least four hours of charging, then the battery needs replacement. Replace the faulty battery using the Huawei Honor 8 Battery Replacement Guide.
The Phone Won’t Charge
The phone screen does not light up or show any sign of charging when plugged into the charger.
The Charging Port Is Dirty
If the charger is fully plugged in and the phone does not show signs of charging, then there might be dust in the USB type C port. Use compressed air to force out small dust particles from the charging port.
The Battery Is Faulty
If the phone shows signs of charging but does not power up after at least four hours of charging, then the battery needs replacement. Replace the faulty battery using the Huawei Honor 8 Battery Replacement Guide.
The Photos Are Blurry or Have Spots
Photos taken by the phone are either blurry regardless of focus or have spots on them.
The Camera Lens Is Dirty
If the photos taken by the phone have black spots on them, there might be dirt on the lens. Try gently cleaning the lens with a microfiber cloth. If the spots still remain on the photos, dirt is likely stuck in the lens. Remove the camera using the Huawei Honor 8 Rear Facing Camera Replacement Guide.
The Camera Lens Is Scratched
If all photos taken by the phone end up blurry, the camera lens is likely scratched. The camera may need to be replaced, which can be done using the Huawei Honor 8 Rear Facing Camera Replacement Guide.
The Phone Keeps Factory Resetting Itself
The phone randomly reverts to factory settings on a regular basis, losing most or all of its data.
The Charging Cable Is Faulty
The phone may protect itself by factory resetting if a faulty charger is being used. To fix this issue, simply buy a new USB type C charging cable.
The Motherboard Is Broken
If the phone factory resets after receiving physical trauma or other damage, the motherboard may be broken. Replace the motherboard using the Huawei Honor 8 Motherboard Replacement Guide.
The Phone Screen Is Not Responding
The phone screen either does not respond to touch or does not light up at all.
The Screen Is Cracked
If the screen on your device is cracked and not functioning properly, replace the LCD display using the Huawei Honor 8 LCD Display Replacement Guide.
The LCD Display Has a Component Broken
Even without being cracked, the phone’s LCD display may have stopped working due to an internal component breaking or malfunctioning. Replace the LCD display using the Huawei Honor 8 LCD Display Replacement Guide.
11 Комментариев
I have a black sign with a white message and when I touch it it turns blue how can I get rid of it
moira alexander - Ответить
I have a round circle with a white message in the middle when I touch it it turns blue how do I get rid of it please
moira alexander - Ответить
I can’t open the phone. It’s dark blue screen with little red thing on left corner ( idk what it is becouse my screen is broken there) please help.
Sti xaS - Ответить
My phone doesn't charge, when plugged in it shows that charging but the notification light is off and battery sign does not show charging.
shubhransh99 - Ответить
My honor 8a hardly to download with data fail even to download profile picture on WhatsApp but on wi fi lm able do anything.Please help
sipho hlatshwayo - Ответить
hello there
i replaced loudspeaker of honor 8 and now it is not CHARGING can anybody tell me why this is happening ?
emali me iamhero382@gmail.com
my honor 8 phone is unresponsive to any touch. the volume up/down and power button work, but that’s about it!! I have many important files on the phone, so i desperately need to access these
Lina E - Ответить
Bluetooth won't turn on please help
Ernie Halvorson - Ответить
My honor 8 battery drains suddenly with a whizzing sound as if something running fast inside it…happens mostly while switching on the camera or playing some video..please suggest
sarojini gautam - Ответить
My honor’s screen is not responding its just black but i’m receiving notification, alarms, messages, etc but there is no screen…
Ahmed Hassan - Ответить
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