Does your JBL Charge 3 speaker produce a distorted sound? JBL Charge 3 speakers are susceptible to a range of problems that could cause them to produce distorted or muffled sounds. Check the following possible causes to identify and solve the problem.
Device Is In The Wrong Audio Mode
The JBL Charge 3 speaker has multiple audio presets that can be accidentally activated. Try resetting the speaker by turning on the device and pressing and holding the “volume up” and “play/pause” buttons until the power button glows. JBL recommends that you keep your speaker in the preset mode for normal listening.
Faulty Battery
If the device does not hold a charge for long, consider replacing the battery. It is possible that the a bad battery is causing the speaker to underperform at loud volume levels, not the speakers.
Faulty Speakers
If you have checked that the speaker is in the correct audio mode, the speakers may be faulty. If music with heavy bass is played at high volumes excessively, the speakers can fail. Be sure to play music with heavy bass at lower volumes to avoid damage to your speaker. Use the JBL Charge 3 Speaker Replacement guide to replace the device’s speakers.
Questions other people have asked about this
- What is making it have a crackling noise? Can it be easily repaired?
- The aux input sound is distorted when the cable is plugged in
- Little bit of distortion when at full volume
- Why does the bass sound terrible
- Makes static noise when the bass hits.
- Crackling or static during low bass notes
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- Why is there a buzzing sound?
- Why is there Static Noise?
3 Комментариев
Mine was accidentally dropped on its side and the speaker on one side sounds busted and it sounds crackly when bass on any song is played. if I where to replace that one speaker inside what would I need to get to do it correctly without damaging it further? And where would I be able to find an other speaker like that to replace it ?
Zeeplee - Ответить
For me, it was the battery. I had the problem that the box was only distortion present when loud or bass-heavy music played. Independently from this (or that's what I thought), the battery was old. The box did not last very long anymore, and when I put it on a charger, the LEDs indicated a full charge almost right away. I replaced the battery, and the distortion went away, too. I presume there was some sort of brown-out, which caused the distortion.
Axel Buß - Ответить
Axel, thank you for this feedback! I had a similar situation with my laptop where it was overheating and slowing down because my battery was old. I didn't think the battery could cause it to overheat but it was a simple repair and replacing it ended up fixing what I thought was 2 separate problems (1. short battery life 2.overheating and slow performance).
Evan Gattuso -