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Samsung Galaxy S7 (SM-G930, SM-G935) — смартфон седьмого поколения линейки Galaxy S, анонсированный компанией Samsung Electronics 21 февраля 2016 года на MWC в Барселоне[

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What parts do I need when this phone has been damaged by water?

This phone has been severely damaged by water.

It does not switch on at all.

I took it to a technician and they said the board inside of the phone is damaged.

please advise what parts do I need to purchase? is it the daughter board, battery?

how many parts does this phone have that require it to work effectively?

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I have water damage works can hear notifications but my screen is green. I can see a faint hint of my keyboard but would want new battery of course. Only had fone for 4 months when it came out but no insurance and it's universal I need help, please


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Выбранное решение


As you know water and electronics and electricity are not a good mix.

The water causes corrosion and provides circuit paths for the electricity which were not in the phone's operating design and could damage the components.

First do not turn on your phone and then you need to with the phone turned off, remove the battery as soon as possible from the phone to minimize further damage.''

Then you need to dis-assemble the rest of the phone and clean all the affected parts using Isopropyl Alcohol 90%+ (available from most pharmacies) to remove all traces of corrosion and water. Do not use "rubbing alcohol" as in some cases this is <70% IPA, can contain scents and is not as effective. If you do check the label to verify the amount

Here is a link that describes the process.

Electronics Water Damage

You may have to replace the battery as it is very hard to recover a battery from water damage.

As always with electronics, especially surface mounted PCBs be gentle when handling and especially when brushing away the corrosion. You do not want to remove any components from the board.

Hopefully after you have done all this the phone might possibly work correctly again.

Here is a link to the ifixit teardown guide for your phone which may be of some help.

Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Teardown

If this process seems too daunting, take your phone to a reputable, professional phone repair service, experienced in water damage repair and ask for a quote for a repair.

Given that you have been told that the phone has severe damage, it may be that to have any chance at all of it working again that it needs to be repaired using equipment that the average person doesn't have, but a repair service does e.g. an ultrasonic cleaning machine.

If you decide to do this, do it sooner than later.

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No, never put your phone in a bag of rice it's a placebo thing that just makes people basically let their phones get more damaged from letting the water stay in.

The water will dry out the same as if you didn't put the phone in rice, and to clean a phone from water damage you will need to disassemble the phone (as soon as possible, or take it to a mobile phone repair shop), at least use 95%+ isopropyl alcohol on ribbon flex connectors including the cable side as well to displace any liquids and corrosion on components on the logic board, with the use of something like a toothbrush that you don't use.

I would advice waiting for other answers which @jayeff may post, I recommend following his answers as his is very detailed and useful.

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